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7 AC Earth

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After the collision of Sicarious and Aeloth magic has begun to pour into what was once a mundane world. The time is 7 AC (After Collision), and unrest has begun to sow with the newly transformed inhabitants of the world. Those who used to be human have been mistreated by those who used to be kin, and so they've left the main populace and have set up their own settlements. The emperor has just been assassinated and all races are using this to push forward and gain as much land and power as possible. The Elves have decided to embrace magic and the freedoms of the land. Humans are shunning magic and those who use it, deciding instead to retreat behind walls keeping their population under strict control. As for the Dwarves, they've used the cataclysm to steal those of other races to work as slaves for the new 'King under the mountain'. During this political mess, there is a new cult brewing, trying to understand magic and how to turn the world into their own vision, the destruction of all non-monstrous races.

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