Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Condition in Shifting Earth | World Anvil
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Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a real life chronic disease.   Doctors say there are two “types” of CVS, Calendar kid or a Trigger kid. However most people with CVS experience a combination of both, but lean toward being a one type.   CVS episodes/symptoms can be triggered by heat, lack of water, food, or sleep, over exercise, high emotions (good or bad), and viruses. Trigger kids have episodes every certain amount of days.

Transmission & Vectors

CVS is not contagious. If you have CVS, you cannot infect anyone. You can pass it down to your children by genetics, usually by the Mom, but the severity can change. For instance, your grandmother could throw up a lot her whole life, and your mom might have severe headaches with some vomiting. Then you could have nothing, or you could end up in the hospital for vomiting so much.


The cause of CVS is unknown.


CVS is a migraine variant. Instead of having symptoms in your head, CVS is characterized by “episodes” of vomiting. These episodes start with vomiting one hour apart, then you slowly start vomiting more and more until it’s every five minutes.   You’re born with CVS, but the illness can either appear when you’re a kid or when you’re an adult. If CVS appears in you when you’re a kid, you can grow out of the vomiting and instead it turns into migraines. Sometimes you even grow out of the whole thing or it gets very mild.
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species

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