Frojien Species in Shattered World | World Anvil



  The people of Frojier are known as Frojien. They are distant relatives to humans but are not, in and of themselves, human. Their biology is diverse enough to make them distinct from humans, although they can produce viable offspring with them. The key difference between Frojien and humans is the color of their blood. Frojien have blue colored blood, which is testament to the magic they are imbued with by their god Aeslar, also known as the God of Ice. This allows them to conjure tools made from Bïté, which is quite literally their own blood.   Outwardly, the difference between humans and Frojien appears to be simply in their coloration. They have white hair that sometimes grows dark grey with age. Their skin is porcelain white, and their eyes are typically very vivid colors. Their internal body temperature is very high compared to humans, which is a form of thermoregulation to help them survive in their native environment. Frojien who leave for other shards often find other shards to be entirely too hot, and are usually uncomfortable in heats of 40°F or greater.  


  The government of Hûile is comprised of twelve departments with three representatives to each--a total of 36 individuals serving as the leaders of Hûile and of the Frojien people. Representatives of these departments are assigned their appointment at birth, and carry it until death. Participation is compulsory. Affairs are often handled only by the branches of government that it concerns, although in some circumstances, all twelve may come together to make important decisions, which must be decided by a 2/3rds majority.   The appointment of new representatives is handled by a sort of lottery that is thought to be divinely inspired. All of these leaders are pledged to celibacy for the sake of eliminating potential bias in the appointment of new members, and eliminate distractions and conflicts of interest. They are given only titles in place of names, which change as they rise through the ranks. Representatives do not live among the general public, and instead reside at the head of Hûile, which is elevated high above the city at its head, overlooking all.   The general public is free to visit this space, but may not reside in it. Many visit to worship at the high temple, seek medical treatment, pursue scholarly wisdom, appeal for legal assistance, and petition for the public good. Some neighborhoods in Hûile have a sort of unofficial emissary or two that will attempt to garner favor with the leaders of Hûile. It is also mandatory for all to appear on occasion -- primarily for the determination of a new representative or important announcements.


The Twelve Branches

  There are twelve branches of government, each with three representatives, assuming the roles of master, intermediary, and apprentice of their branch. When a representative dies, the others advance in position, and a newborn is selected from the populace to fill the apprentice's role.



  This branch oversees and assists with the cultivating of the city's agriculture. They safeguard a mausoleum of preserved seeds in the event that a famine might occur, and they are largely responsible for ensuring that produce is safe for trade and consumption. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Ámajain (a-mah-yah-een), meaning "Stockbreeder"
Intermediary: L'myjadda (lh-mee-yah-dah), meaning "Cotter"
Apprentice: Byocyh (byosh-eeh), meaning "Farmhand"



  This branch is in charge of the study, practice, and knowledge of Bïté and all things this resource entails. They are responsible for the smelting of synthesized metals with Bïté, upkeep on the walls of Hûile, and safe, responsible use of Bïté conjury. When another person is harmed because of a weapon made of Bïté, they assist in investigation to determine whether a conjury was intentional or accidental. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Bïsyêdnecan (bee-see-ehd-neh-shon), meaning "Ice Master"
Intermediary: Bïcyecen (bee-sh'yeh-shen), meaning "Ice Intermediary"
Apprentice: Bï'ybbnahtna (bee-eeb-naht-nah), meaning "Ice Apprentice"



  This branch is in charge of the flow of trade in the city. Most of the economy is based on trade, and there is no standardized currency. These individuals ensure that overt exploitation doesn't occur, and that the people of the city at least have their basic needs covered. They also work with Labor and Law to ensure that exploiters are given just punishment for their crimes--often entailing work at Hûile's summit, where the representatives reside. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Dnácunean (d'nah-choo-nayn), meaning "Treasurer"
Intermediary: Pyhxiean (peeks-ee-yahn), meaning "Banker"
Apprentice: Ly'eccean (lee-esh-shahn), meaning "Cashier"



  This branch is in charge of the security of the city. They organize and commission the men and women who serve as guards throughout the city and who intervene when there is a threat to the public safety, or a crime underway. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Lussyhtyhd (loohs-seeht-eehd), meaning "Commander"
Intermediary: Kéhénym (keh-heh-neem), meaning "General"
Apprentice: Ytzuehd (eet-zu-wehd), meaning "Deputy"



  This branch oversees all of the complicated politics of hunting, ensuring that poaching is not occurring, and that only the prey in season is being hunted, to ensure that the fragile ecology of the shard isn't pushed out of balance by Frojien activity. They ensure the ethical hunting of game, and manage the politics of hunting bands. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Lryccain (l'ree-sha-een), meaning "Huntsman"
Intermediary: Rynlamain (reen-lah-ma-een), meaning "Stalker"
Apprentice: Dnyxiai (d'neeks-ee-eye), meaning "Tracker"



  This branch is in charge of housing development, repair, and demolition. They also ensure that no Frojien is living in the streets, at least given basic shelter in a more crowded sector. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Bnubneádyena (b'noob-neh-ah-dyeh-nah), meaning "Landlord"
Intermediary: Bydnuh (beed-nuh), meaning "Patron"
Apprentice: L'râdamyeh (l'rah-dah-myeh), meaning "Squire"



  This branch is in charge of commissioning citizens for labor and ensuring fair and proper compensation. When builders, smelters, guards, cleaners, morticians, fishermen, weavers, etc. are needed, this branch will find and train unskilled workers to become skilled, and will be certain to make their lives more comfortable as a result. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Tenaldain (tehn-ahl-dah-een), meaning "Executive"
Intermediary: Lusecyena (loo-seh-chyeh-nah), meaning "Manager"
Apprentice: Cibanjecain (chi-bahn-yeh-cha-een), meaning "Overseer"



  Working closely with those in the Garrison branch, this branch is in charge of defining, adjusting, explaining, and maintaining the laws of the city and of the Frojien. Ultimately, though all branches are thought of as equal, this branch has the most power above any, with perhaps the exception of Religion, which influences it greatly. They essentially are the courts. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Mákecmydain (mah-keh-ch'mee-dayn), meaning "Legislator"
Intermediary: Zika (zee-kah), meaning "Judge"
Apprentice: Yjulyd (ee-yoo-leed), meaning "Advocate"



  This branch is in charge of not only medicinal practices, but other medical procedures as well. They ensure there is a standard, acceptable medicinal practice, keeping "snake oil" remedies from being used, and training medical professionals throughout the city to better assist injured and ill Frojien. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Sátelym (sah-teh-leem), meaning "Medic"
Intermediary: Duipep (dwee-pehp), meaning "Doctor"
Apprentice: Ranpunecda (rahn-poo-nech-dah), meaning "Herbologist"



  Arguably the most powerful of all of the branches, the Religion branch is in charge of worship, devotion, blessings, and communion to Aeslar, the God of Frost. All other branches must still adhere to the divinity of their religion, and if Aeslar is said to make a commandment, the people will do as they are bid, and the other branches will adjust accordingly. The representatives are raised with the highest of moral fabric, to prevent corruption of power. They could, by all rights, completely be rid of the other eleven branches if they wished. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Duhciná (doo-chee-nah), meaning "Cleric"
Intermediary: Bnâdna (b'nahd-nah), meaning "Priest"
Apprentice: Bycdain (beech-dah-een), meaning "Pastor"



  This branch is in charge of the preservation of the ancient texts written and preserved by their ancestors, mathematics, history, linguistics, runes, and more. They keep an impressively large library and are masters of knowledge, both common and occult. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: Yêhá (yeh-hah), meaning "Elder"
Intermediary: Cyjyhd (chee-yeehd), meaning "Scholar"
Apprentice: Ádita (ah-dee-tah), meaning "Study"



  This branch is in charge of the well being of society. They are the ones who will intervene in domestic disputes, and are the ones in charge of aiding the poor, and preserving relative equity. The names of each of these representatives are:   Master: B'myetan (b'mee-eh-tahn), meaning "Litigate"
Intermediary: Távahcain (tah-vah-chah-een), meaning "Upholder"
Apprentice: Byndecyh (been-deh-chee), meaning "Partisan"

Basic Information


Mostly human, but with a very fair pallor, and vividly colored eyes. Their blood appears blue rather than red.

Genetics and Reproduction

Frojien can naturally reproduce with humans and the other humanoid races who were once human, such as Dusterthians and Elves.

Growth Rate & Stages

Frojien typically live for around 150 years. They grow through childhood a little slower than humans, but not much. An 18 year old, for example, may look more like a fifteen year old.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Manipulation of ice-like magic called Bïté, meaning "Ice Blood." This magic can form solid objects that appear like ice, but are strong as titanium and dense as diamond. These tools can only be temporarily sustained unless smelted with another metal. Conjury of these tools does drain the blood of the conjurer, and they may feel weak and light headed after conjuring too much, just as they would with any other form of blood loss. The tools they conjure are cold to the touch. Some can form Bïté frost on their skin to regulate their temperature in hot climates, but it is a very advanced form of Bïté conjury.
White, Grey, Light Blonde
Red, Sapphire, White, Gold, Violet, Orange
Male, Female
150 Years


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