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A once beautiful world, torn by war and demonic invasions. Multiple continents, with which the cataclysmic events that have transpired have had varied effects.   Myrethia, the land of the first kind. The gnomes, elves, and tieflings were the first to grow on this continent, followed after by the enterprising and ambitious humans. Many wars throughout history have created dividing lines all over the continent, and even driven out the Tieflings from their rightful home.   The Outer Isles, a beautiful land occupied by the Tieflings and the Dragonborn. Originally solely inhabited by the Dragonborn, who sought a home far away from those who would label them the same as their terrifying counterparts who roamed the sky. After the Tieflings were booted from their homes, they set up home here as well, and have created somewhat of a union with the Dragonborn. Beautiful plains, forests, and gnarled wastelands are the main types of terrain here.   The whole world felt the impact of the invasions, and many cities and villages were left in ruins after. While the world is trying to rebuild, no one can truly predict when the next invasion will be, and on what scale.

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