The Reef Geographic Location in Shallar | World Anvil
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The Reef

The Reef is a massive mountain range spanning the entirety of the northern reaches of Shallar. The mountains rise up out of a freshwater sea, and along their underwater slopes huge forests of kelp and coral decorate the clear waters. The sea is very cold though, which has discouraged Triton incursions into the mountains. The Goliath and some Rishans live amongst the snow capped peaks, surviving off of fish and what game can be found deep in the Reef. The Goliath build small settlements along the southern coast of the Reef to trade with the lowlanders, but deep in the mountains they have constructed cities of hollowed out mountains. None have entered into the frozen waters in the far north of the Reef and returned to tell of what they found there; as such it remains largely unexplored.

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