The Gardeners Organization in Shallar | World Anvil
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The Gardeners

The Gardeners are an elite group of Patherin warriors with the ability to shape shift into animalistic forms. The exact source of the ability is lost to the Breaking, but many Patherin elders believe it is a natural next step to their evolution. The Gardeners are the descendants of the Patherins who took saplings from the Great Tree and traveled to Labyrinth in an attempt to grow more. The endeavor was ultimately a success, and they managed to grow four more Great Trees. They are the progenitors of all the Patherin who live within Labyrinth's tangle of vines and branches, though not all of the Patherin in the current epoch have the ability to shape shift. The elders believe that when they moved to Labyrinth the harsh environment and hostile locals forced the ancient Patherin to adapt to the new threats. Tasked with protecting their kin and the newly matured Great Trees from the Jhira-Zul; the Gardeners strike fear into the hearts of even the cold blooded. They are also experts in the care of plants as they tend to the Great Trees.

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