Patherin Species in Shallar | World Anvil
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The Patherins are distant cousins of the Goliath. Separated from their mountain homes during the Breaking, they sought refuge at the base of three great trees. The trees are a source of wild magic, and closely connected to Fey. Over time this magic changed the Goliaths into something new. They slowly learned the language of beasts and plants, and became extremely adept at welding the power of nature. Patherins dwell primarily in the Elderwood and Labyrinth. The Elderwood is their ancestral home, and is the location of the original three great trees. Some Patherins took seedlings of the great trees south into the jungles of Labyrinth, and seek to raise more of them in its lush environment. They are typically gentle creatures, as they follow The Path, and seek to maintain the balance of nature, the elemental planes, the Fey, and the mortal world. Though they defend their lands from all who would seek to alter the balance, and many a fool has learned that when angry, a Patherin is a truly dangerous foe. Patherins have close ties to the Rishans who live in their forests, and the two species often work together to tend to the great trees.

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