Leafblighter Character in Shallar | World Anvil
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Leafblighter is one of the four Elderwood Patherin that Ra'lox afflicted with Lycanthropy. The Elderwood Patherin are gentle creatures, very unlike their cousins in Labyrinth. Ra'lox fed them the flesh of a living creature that was killed before its time, and this predatory act triggered the Gardener blood within the Patherin. During his first transformation Leafblighter managed to stay in control and was enchanted with the way his very blood sang as he shifted. Quickly adapting to his new situation he took a new name, Leafblighter, and has sworn to serve the newest god of Shallar, Nantosuelta. He is inspired by Ra'lox's power and determination, and seeks to become a shining example of what it means to be a Gardener.

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