Styl Życia in Shadowrun | World Anvil
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Styl Życia

Koszty styli życia:
Styl życia Koszt na miesiąc (¥)
Luksusowy 100 000+
Wysoki 10 000
Średni 5 000
Niski 1 000
Hospitalizacja 500 za dzień lub 1000 za dzień w przypadku intensywnej terapii


This lifestyle offers the best of everything: ritzy digs, lots of high-tech toys, the best food and drink, you name it. The character has a household staff, maid service or gadgets to do the chores. He is likely (and expected) to have a powerful car and a big house, a snazzy condo or the penthouse suite in a top hotel. Home security is top-of-the-line, with well-trained guards, astral security and instant response times. His holophone is SOTA with all the features, multistation trideo, all satellite and cable channels, and subscriptions to several major newspapers and journals. He’s on the VIP list at several exclusive restaurants and clubs, both real and virtual. This is the life for the high-stakes winners in the world of Shadowrun: high-level executives, government big shots, Yakuza bigwigs and the few shadowrunners who pull off the big scores (and live to spend their pay).   Cost: 100,000¥ a month and up-up-up!  


A High lifestyle offers a roomy house or condo, good food and the technology that makes life easy. The character may not have the same perks as the really big boys, but neither does he have as many people gunning for him. His home is in a secure zone or protected by good, solid bribes to the local police contractor and gang boss. He has a housekeeping service or enough tech to take care of most chores, and a luxury commuter car is at his beck and call. This is the life for the well-to-do on either side of the law: mid-level managers, senior Yakuza and the like.   Cost: 10,000¥ a month  


The Middle lifestyle offers a nice house or condo with lots of comforts. Characters with this lifestyle sometimes eat nutrisoy as well as higher-priced natural food, but at least the autocook has a full suite of flavor faucets. Characters also have a commuter car or first-class tube pass. They have a basic vidphone with fax, and subscribe to a few cable channels and a local news screamsheet. This is the lifestyle of ordinary successful wage-earners or criminals.   Cost: 5,000¥ a month


With this lifestyle, the character has an apartment, and nobody is likely to bother him much if he keeps the door bolted. He can count on regular meals; the nutrisoy may not taste great, but at least it’s hot. Power and water are available during assigned rationing periods. Security depends on how regular the payments to the local street gang are. When characters with a Low lifestyle travel, they ride the tube. Factory workers, petty crooks and other folks stuck in a rut, just starting out or down on their luck tend to have Low lifestyles.   Cost: 1,000¥ a month


Life stinks for the squatter, and most of the time so does the character. He eats low-grade nutrisoy and yeast, adding flavors with an eyedropper. His home is a squatted building, perhaps fixed up a bit, possibly even converted into barracks or divided into closet-sized rooms and shared with other squatters. Or maybe he just rents a coffin-sized sleep tank by the night. He has to use a public dataterm (when he can find one that works) to call, fax, or e-mail anyone, but he might pick up a pirate trid station on his dumpstered trid unit. The only thing worse than the Squatter lifestyle is living on the streets.   Cost: 100¥ a month


The character lives on the streets—or in the sewers, steam tunnels, condemned buildings, or whatever temporary flop he or she can get. Food is wherever the character finds it, bathing is a thing of the past, and the character’s only security is what he creates for himself. This lifestyle is the bottom of the ladder, inhabited by down-and-outers of all stripes.   Cost: Hey chummer, life ain’t all bad. It’s free.


This special lifestyle applies only when a character is sick or injured. The character is confined to a hospital: a real one, a clinic equipped as a hospital or a private location with the necessary equipment. Characters cannot own this lifestyle. They only pay for it until they get well or go broke, whichever comes first.   Cost: 500¥ a day for basic care, 1,000¥ a day for intensive care

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