Salish-Shidhe Council Organization in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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Salish-Shidhe Council

While technically part of the UCAS, the city of Seattle is completely surrounded by the SSC.
Among all of the NAN, the Salish-Shidhe Council is the most tribally-oriented, and their population and politics are segregated according to tribal affiliation. Each tribe sends representatives to the Tribal Council, and aside from a few nation-wide civil laws and restrictions, each tribe is autonomous and self-governing.
The Salish-Shidhe Council (SSC) holds most of the former states of Washington and Idaho, along with a sizable chunk of what was once British Columbia, including Vancouver. Fortunately for Seattle, the SSC is indifferent rather than hostile toward the metroplex and the UCAS. As long as Seattle keeps its problems contained inside its own borders, the Salish- Shidhe leave it alone. As Seattle’s major supplier of power, the SSC has a fair amount of leverage over the metroplex; should Salish-owned Gaeatronics Corporation ever pull its support from Seattle’s infrastructure, it could cripple the city.   Relations between the NAN and the UCAS have never been what you could call friendly. It seems the NAN are still upset over the centuries-long attempted genOCide of their forebears, and the UCAS is still miffed about losing half of its territory to some scruffy rebels backed up by enough magiC to blow the tops off mountains. Go figure.   Since the signing of the Treaty of Denver, both sides have been engaged in extensive "military training exercises" and other Cold-War-style saber rattling designed to intimidate the other side. and governments on both sides have run extensive intelligence- gathering operations against one another. Despite the mutual antagonism between the two powers, apparently both NAN and UCAS leaders realized long ago that an all-out war would leave both sides devastated. Consequently, serious hostilities have never broken out between the nations.
sā-lish shē
Tribal Affiliation
86% of total population (Salish: 25%, Makah: 16%, Cascade Crow: 14%, Cascade Ork: 11%, Nootka: 10%, Sinsearach: 6%, Other Tribes: 18%
Primary Languages
English (82%), Salish dialects (16%)
Seventy-eight autonomous tribes
Government Type
Tribal Confederation. Autonomous and Self-Governing tribal governments with equal representation on a national Tribal Council; mix of national and tribal laws enforced
Bordering Countries
California Free State, Sioux, Tír Tairngire, UCAS, Denver
Varied, with coastal islands, temperate rainforests, high mountains and active volcanoes, arid high deserts, high mountain plains
Notable Features
Cascade Mountains, Hell's Canyon, Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, Olympic Mountains, San Juan Islands
Geopolitical, Country
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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