Novatech Organization in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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This corp’s primary mover and shaker, the defunct Fuchi Industrial Electronics, might just as well be called “Phoenix” for its skill in rising from the ashes of potential disasters. “Chimera” may also be appropriate, given that they have consolidated their power by buying up numerous A and AA corporations. Born first of the leavings when former megacorp Fuchi Electronics fell apart, Novatech has caused quite its share of stirs over the past few years in their insatiable ambition. Acquiring communications giant Erika and cybertech powerhouse Transys Neuronet to establish the backbone for the new wireless Matrix and catch most of their competitors flatfooted. With the influx of money brought on by the IPO and the merger, the new megacorp has diversified its interests into just about every industry, including Matrix infrastructure, cyberware, electronics, software, biotech, aerospace, small arms, and many others. They’re definitely one to watch.

Novatech has held Fuchi North America’s ground in Seattle, and the ruthlessness and business acumen of owner Richard Villiers are likely to take it much farther in the near future. Novatech Seattle is the corporation’s gateway to the Pacific Rim and Asia, where there is plenty of money to be made. William Ager, Fuchi’s onetime “resources adjuster” extraordinaire, has signed on with Novatech Seattle and is rumored to be hiring shadowrunners as needed to further Novatech’s interests in the city.

“Tomorrow Runs on Novatech”

Founding Date
Controlled Territories

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