Metaplane of Shadow Geographic Location in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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Metaplane of Shadow

The border to the shadow metaplane is apparent with the glowing omnipresent light being blotted out by some unseen object leaving only a few strange constellations to travel by. The shadow metaplane is a pale, mirrored mockery of the physical world with muted colored structures dotting the landscape. Light is never bright here, but there is enough to cast shadows. Orbiting the plane are four moons, hyper-metaplanes, which are noticeable by the stars they obscure. Great wing-shaped airships travel between the metaplane and its moons.   Shades, shadows, wraiths, nightmares, wights, and other cultural bogeymen call this plane home. An interesting property of this metaplane is that the bogeymen here do not cast shadows. Their interest in metahumanity ranges from simple malicious manipulation of metahumans for their own inhuman pleasure to a burning hatred of metahumanity and feeding off suffering and pain. Shadow Spirits do not care for other spirits and will take advantage of them as they will any metahumans. They also rarely work together, citing selfish tendencies and competition, but there are some who will trade off victims like currency to others once they’re done. A victim of a succubus, for example, can become the perfect meal for a shade.   Many of these shadow spirits have the power to drain Karma, but the emotion of the victim in order for the shadow to feed is unique to the different classifications of shadow spirits. Shadow spirits often use Compulsion or similar powers to push the intended victim into an emotional or physical state from which it can feed off of the victim. Shadows have been found in the Sixth World as free or wild spirits and are surprisingly abundant considering magicians are not capable of summoning them.
Dimensional plane
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