Loveland Bump & Sleep Building / Landmark in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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Loveland Bump & Sleep

204th Street East & 14th Avenue East     A former mid-range hotel turned into a brothel by the Yakuza, run by members of the Gianelli Family. It’s fairly low-frills and “old school” as such places go, although they do get in more than the average number of elf girls, for the guys who like that type. It’s also noteworthy that the hotel is some eighteen floors, but the business only seems to take up about ten or so.   > Word is the Yaks also use the Bump & Sleep as a temporary warehouse to store contraband they’re smuggling into the city across the border or moving out into tribal lands. That sometimes includes people being moved in or out of the metroplex, and anyone the family wants to keep out of sight. > Rigger X
Brothel / Whorehouse
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