KondOrchid Shipping Depot Building / Landmark in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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KondOrchid Shipping Depot

KondOrchid (KO), a worldwide shipping corporation with contracts throughout the Pacific Rim, owns this warehouse and distribution facility on the Everett docks. The complex of three warehouses, with associated piers and loading docks, is still operational and carrying out the company’s regular business of moving shipping containers. Exactly what some of those containers hold is of interest to various parties, including the Yakuza, Knight Errant, and a few other multinationals (who shall remain nameless for the time being). > Hard Exit
> KO recently upgraded their security at the depot, adding some aerial surveillance drones and water elementals to the existing manned patrols and Doberman surface drones on the perimeter. They still have a 4-meter electrified fence around the property as well. A lot of the interior operations are automated to cut down on the number of on-site personnel (and witnesses, one imagines). > Danger Sensei
Warehouse, Commercial
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