Buttercup Character in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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The expressive and vibrant young woman has a love of caramels and an antagonistic relationship with gravity. Not many were sure how an 18 year old heiress managed to manipulate her way into the being the controlling shareholder of Yamatetsu’s stock, owning 29% of the company. The apparent child prodigy became a trusted advisor to Yamatetsu’s chairman Tadamako Shibanokuji as the two of them were instrumental in the rebranding of the company as the meta-friendly Evo Corp. As she made increasingly deadly enemies within the company, she recently decided it was time to reveal herself as a Free Spirit. This shocked the other shareholders into inaction, knocking over whatever pieces they had on the board and (allegedly) pooping themselves as she floated between them.

Following the death of Evo’s North American director, Jacques Barnard, Shibanokuji assigned her to Seattle’s Evo HQ to oversee the management of Evo America as co-director with Aleksander Bilotkiy. She soon held a press conference to both announcer herself as Evo America’s sole director as well as making her true nature public. She quickly became the face of Evo’s devotion to inclusivity and since Evo couldn’t openly correct the mistake that she shared directorship with a Vory Tsar, she’d made herself nigh-untouchable for the foreseeable future. Rumors circulate that she bewitched the Chairman towards her own nefarious ends, but, her true goals are something her enemies would pay well to learn. In the meantime, she feels so liberated that one could say she’s walking on air. Because in fact she is, with the façade gone she no longer has to pretend to like the ground.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Controlling Shareholder (29%)
Co-Director of Evo North America
Aligned Organization


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