Alan Riv Character in Shadowrama! | World Anvil
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Alan Riv

Toxic Dog Shaman / Eco-Terrorist

Originally a fiery, idealistic young elf, Riv became a twisted reflection of his former self when an eco-terrorist strike he led went horribly wrong. Because his attempt to work for a better world led to terrible pain and disfigurement, Riv came to believe that the world is a terrible, twisted place and that his ideals were foolish and naive. As he sees things, nobody really cares for anything other than themselves and no one is looking out for tomorrow. Those who do are fools. Riv now has two goals: to increase his personal power by spreading blight wherever he can, and avenging himself on the one man he believes is truly responsible for what happened to him: Arthur Vogel.   Riv is a Toxic Dog shaman, a rabid destroyer of everything he once held dear. He is as twisted with hate and bitterness on the inside as he is scarred on the outside. Depending on his location, there is always a toxic earth or water spirit of Force 5 near him in astral space. In his poisoned lair at the abandoned Hawkshorne Chemical plant, he always has several toxic spirits present. His lair also contains a number of animals that he controls through spells.   The trauma Riv suffered years ago has unhinged his mind, and his speech and mannerisms clearly convey his utter insanity. He is capable of apparently rational action, but he is completely without compassion for the pain and suffering of others. He wants only to avenge what he sees as terrible crimes committed against him, and cares nothing about anything other than achieving this goal. He has a mad hatred of physically attractive people, especially other elves, and he refuses to allow mirrors or other reflective surfaces in his presence.   Riv is subject to traumatic flashbacks during which he relives the events that gave him his disfigurement. If he takes any damage from a spell or other weapon that makes use of corrosives or similar chemicals (such as the acid spell) , he flies into a berserk rage, screaming in agony and attacking everyone around .him. While in this state, he will not stop until he kills all his opponents or is killed himself; therefore, modifiers to target numbers do not apply.


Year of Death
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