Star Shrines
Star Shrines have existed since the beginning of the world. At least as far as anyone knows for certain. Though most Star Shrines have additional structures built around them, the original Star Shrines themselves manifested at the beginning alongside the Well of Souls, as part of the birth of the world.
The Star Shrines are a vital component of the Sanctuary system, being the place where individuals who have died and cannot re-inhabit their original body may "refresh" at dawn.
Caveat: while any injuries incurred during death are healed when the new body refreshes, it tends to leave deep scarring, and in rare cases may not have repaired properly. For example, a severe disemboweling may have resulted in the wrong portions of the intestines being reassembled, or detached organs may have "healed" but remained detached. A refreshed individual should generally visit a healer at the soonest opportunity to check for any possible errors.
There are stories of saboteurs destroying Star Shrines during the most vicious faction wars, but these accounts are usually considered to be cautionary rather than factual due to the disastrous fallout depicted.
During the event known as the Sundering, multiple Star Shrines were affected. For reasons that remain unknown, if an individual is refreshed at these Star Shrines they no longer have their souls. Efforts to restore their souls have thus far been failures.
Besides their ability to refresh new bodies at dawn, Star Shrines also possess the ability to transport an individual between shrines, making travel between those two points almost instantaneous. Though it cannot be used to transport goods in large quantities, it can allow an individual to visit a distant location along with anything they can carry.
If legends are to be believed, this ability was once used as an everyday means of travel. However, since the Sundering and the subsequent failures of so many Star Shrines, this method of travel is considered extremely risky, and shouldn't be attempted by anyone who is not accompanied by a paladin, who can ensure that their souls travel intact. It is advised to only travel from one major shrine to another major shrine without crossing the Deadlands, as this risks becoming soulless.
The name "star shrines" originates from this ability to transport people. Each Star Shrine consists of a unique configuration of kwartz crystals, and to choose which Star Shrine to travel to, one draws out a sigil that corresponds to the points of these crystals, similar to drawing a star constellation.
No new source of kwartz crystal has ever been discovered, nor has a method to replicate them been found. Once they are shattered, they're shattered forever.
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