Raven Dalca Character in Serris | World Anvil
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Raven Dalca

Raven Dalca

Raven Dalca Ethnicity: Nalmor   Damaged Goods: Normally accompanies Deceit on her excursions through the Hell District.


Family Ties

Susan Dalca, Mother
Kathe Perali, Maternal Aunt
Sela Perali, Maternal Aunt
Estel Fillios, Maternal Grandmother
Bren Perali, Maternal Grandfather

Vlad Dalca, Father
Virtue Dalca-Cayhadi, Paternal Aunt
Wisdom Cayhadi, Paternal Uncle
Deceit Cayhadi, Cousin
Merci Cayhadi, Cousin
Kirian Cayhadi, Cousin

Itise Friis, Paternal Grandmother
Chev Dalca, Paternal Grandfather
Seline Vitele, Paternal Step-Grandmother
Meris Dalca , Step-Aunt
Sal Mueller, Step-Aunt
Brigida Atil, Step-Aunt
Sorin Dalca , Step-Uncle
Anica Volpp-Dalca , Step-Uncle
Vengeance Dalca, Cousin
Rose Dalca, Cousin
Thorn Dalca, Cousin

Christov Dalca, Brother
Laine Dunnagan, Sister-In-Law
Avocette Dalca, Niece
Wren Dalca, Niece
Jae Dalca, Niece

Delano Dalca, Brother
Kile Dalca, Brother
Cleve Dalca, Brother
Madlin Dalca, Sister
Phoenix Dalca, Sister
Alisha Brien, Sister-In-Law
Ettie Joung, Niece
Dione Radner, Niece
Tiphani Diaconis, Niece
Reid Rednick, Niece
Alf Silve, Niece
Avery Dalca, Brother
Angel Dalca, Sister
Clarette Kavalieris, Sister-In-Law
Haroun Pier, Brother-In-Law
Davin Dalca, Brother
Liam Dalca, Brother
Circumstances of Death
Considered a victim of a Hell's Gate Breach

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