Dicarpricano Volcano Building / Landmark in Seratzo | World Anvil
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Dicarpricano Volcano

" Not everything you see is what you think, some people completely forgets that appearances are layers and for them, all other concepts are secondary factors. These fools nowadays can't judge by character anymore. For the masses, if it is fancy, it is trustable. As a philosopher said, "Futility is now a product and its investor is called neglect."    


Dicarpricano is a government building owned by Omoor realm, it has the appearance of a sleeping volcano. This building is located in the interstellar territorial upper part, inside Omoor's substate Meridian, found in "Enoch's Glory" synth planet. Omoor realm currently has around 670 of these laboratories dedicated to void element, each laboratory in one planet, optimists expect to see 50,000 void laboratories all over the territory in the next upcoming years, but the king thinks having 600 and a few more is the ideal unless "an arms race with our neighboring enemies" start.    


Known for housing facilities, laboratories and military bases. The purpose of this volcanic building is to serve as an entrance for the Maresol laboratory, a research center responsible for the study and exploitation of the void element. This laboratory was built months after the king's order to explore and find uses for unused elements available inside Omoorian territory. Interestingly, Maresol laboratory was built specifically for void study because the void element is an interesting yet dangerous matter to deal with, hence why we have dedicated laboratories for this mystical source.    


The Omoor population does not see government's efforts meaningful or useful because they little know about this situation and a small portion has professional wisdom about this, most of those "knowers" are either soldiers, engineers and researchers, removing these 3, only a fraction of Omoor's population knows about, while the rest only have heard of but never truly knew. The act of incentivizing technological advance and expanding Omoor's capabilities along with wisdom by exploring new materials like the void was a great well-chosen move for the kingdom, because with the void, they were able to make void-based tech. Void artillery, void missiles and even void bullets, etc...! Believe or not, this helped Omoor Realm beyond military area, it proved to be uself in both medicine and culinary.   Notoriously, they had commercial and economic advantage with this element, other smaller civilizations demonstrated interest in Omoor's tech and bought some of their revolutionary military equipments to defend themselves against technologically superior forces, the void-based equipment proved to be so effective that smaller countries were able to top bigger countries, consequenlt making Omoor's technological advancements famous, gaining popularity all over the Zurumon complex and making Omoor known as "the father of small civilizations" only because they are always arming their tiny friendly neighbors to increase the security and keep other potencies away from them. Imagine having a bunch of people surrounding and safekeeping you because of your "kindness"? It is not a good idea for your enemy to step in there.
This is a Worldember project with no intents of winning but writing for fun. Thank you for reading this article! If you somehow liked it, give the prize to others, because I am here to give inspiration for the one who is in need!
Dicarpricano Volcano
Type Building, structure
function Passage, entrance
status Private property
Manager Government

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