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A world where dragons rule the skies, giants lord over the mountains, and a lone kraken lurks in the deepest depths of the oceans and sees all; such is Serannis. Formed by cosmic deities known as the Sheras, their thoughts and dreams given physical form by the Shard of Creation, Serannis is the lone planet in the vastness of the Starsea. But who knows, perhaps there are other Shards out there?   The Starsea is a dangerous and volatile cosmos. Sheras devouring each other and being devoured is the status quo in that realm. As such, Serannis is under constant threat from otherworldly forces. What is known as the sun is actually a hungry, infinite cosmic force attracted to the Shard of Creation deep within the planet of Serannis. The stars are the same, although much farther away. The planet itself has withstood the test of time, however. It's been around tens of thousands of years all thanks to the Dreamweave; the collective consciousness of the Sheras that formed Serannis woven together to form a barrier.   Serannis itself is a small planet, though teeming with life. It is a world of wonder, magic, mystery, and adventure.