Ondar Tribes Organization in Selestria | World Anvil
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Ondar Tribes

Vast jungles cover the realm of Ondar. The land is full of wildlife, and much of it is unfriendly. Early villages in the realm came to revere the apex predators. It was a respect and fear of these creatures that banded the people together in villages to survive. Huts went from wood to stone, to guard against the dire hunters. Temples and meeting halls were thick stone, sometimes with levels stacked atop one another in decreasing area. Highest levels serving as lookouts against movement in the wilds. Constant threat from dire hunters has kept the population of the Ondari people low, but extremely honed in survival and combat. Most feared and worshipped of the hunters is Derkhat, the dire black panther. Derkhat is rarely seen, and sometimes devours small villages. When he appears and does not kill, it is taken as an omen that the viewer is the Herald of Death and is to lead a raid against enemies to bring back tribute for Derkhat.   Raids into the southland resulted in much wealth in precious tin and copper, which does not exist locally. This lead to the use of bronze armor and weapons, and of more valuable decoration for the temples to Derkhat and the other hunters. Eventually the raids ended with the southern development of powerful magic, resulted in the decimation of many tribesmen. Gifts for Derkhat would be sought from outlander travelers from then on. As another attempt at appeasing the anger of Derkhat, the darkest of skin and deadliest of skill would henceforth serve as ruling voice of all Ondari.   Prime among the duties of the High Chief is that of overseeing religious rites. Each of the settlements of Ondar declare one of apex hunters as the god of their town. Derkhat is the deity of Khatlaqta, the largest settlement in the realm. Guardians of the towns garb themselves in likeness of the deity in homage. Once a year ritual sacrifices take place to the apex animal of the town, though stories of what is sacrificed tend to be exaggerated by outsiders. The ritual for Derkhat is two-fold. A tournament fought with cat claw gauntlets is held, with the darkest skinned and most skilled fighters chosen from each settlement. The winner of the tournament then fights the High Chief for the title. After the tournament, the victor sacrifices gifts of carved cats and prey meat in a large fire. As might be expected, the animal deity plays a role in rituals.   The overall untamed state of the land has led to few being willing to travel through the realm. Those that do risk the journey from Aenuleria to Vallanoth by land travel in large groups for safety. Some exceptions to this are hunters out for fame. The stories and trophies they bring back to their lands have further added to the legends of the dire creatures that dwell there. Hunting parties that fail to return home also add to the legends of Ondar.


Each tribe of the realm operates with autonomy. The High Chief, leader of the Khat, is presented as the face to outsiders. Dangerous creatures throughout the jungle, and the wrath of the other Apex Predators, keep the Khat from establishing any solid rule over the other tribes. Trade is expected to pass through Khatlaqta, and most does due to the ease of the location. The increased revenue from trade is the only real advantage given to the leading tribe of the realm.

Survival of the fittest.

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