The Five Traders Organization in Selea | World Anvil
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The Five Traders

The five traders, leaders of the United Provinces of Five Traders, the richest merchants in the lands. These posts are bought after one trader dies or stands down. These posts cost enormous sum of money, so only the richest (and thus most skilled) businessman can obtain them.   This was to ensure only the most skilled people will lead the country. Their knowledge of many, craft and trade should lead to prosperty and happiness. It has brought certain prosperty and development to the country, but most of the time, many candidates are "sponsored" by some other business, to boost their financial potential during the Chrilection. These them help their sponsors when the obtain power. As the processes of becoming a member is difficult, this high reward investment is also very risky.   Chrilection is the process of choosing a new member of the Five Traders. First all candidates who want to participate need to pay the intro price. The exact sum is known only to rich people and highest aristocracy. After that, all candidates are interviewed by the advisers and sometimes even by the members of Five Traders themselves. From this, only 5 candidates will remain. These 5 will compete for the seat in an auction house like game, where after some time, the one with lowest bid is eliminated.
Alliance, Generic
Parent Organization

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