Oliad Royal Family Organization in Selania | World Anvil
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Oliad Royal Family

Royal Family, Cult Patrons

"The Oliad family. Gotta hand it to 'em, they managed to force Selania into some sort of order back in the day. None of us would be here if it weren't for them. Went and built themselves a nice little empire out here after the fall. Not the kinda one I'd have made, but I wasn't around then. They've managed to wrangle the magisters into line for a couple centuries too, not an easy feat. For all the Imperiums problems, they are a bright spot. Maybe they did set all this up, and maybe its not the best, what with the slaves and competition over every scrap of power, but it allowed some people to survive in this place when all the other original colonies were swallowed up by... whatever it is that's out there."   -Jotte Sherat, Local Gossip

Public Agenda

To secure the future of the Oliad Imperium, and all of Selania.


The Oliad patriarch arrived in Selania on a relatively late refugee ship. When he arrived he found a divided and combative refugee camp trying to become some sort of colony. Through force of will, magical prowess, and eventually martial might he assumed leadership of the camp, eventually transforming it into a city. Even as all the other colonies vanished Oliaden survived. As he aged he brought the survivors of all the peoples to his banner and established the Royal Cult, which honored his personal patron deities. Ever since the Oliad family has ruled with a vice grip on power. And kept their key supporters, the magisters in line through unknown means.

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Founding Date
0 Founding
Alternative Names
Royal Family, The Oliad
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