Ladder Root Species in Selania | World Anvil
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Ladder Root

Created by Clara
First Described in Herbological literature in the year 94, Ladder Root was initially thought to be a simple weed. Its properties as a topical medicine were discovered by the First Vertian Expedition in year 97 Founding. The pairs of white flowers were a regular sight in the eastern forests and came to be considered good luck by the explorers of the expedition. Ladder Roots healing potential is limited to minor cuts and scrapes, but the appropriate poultice can be created by even the most novice of alchemists. It is a wildly popular plant with mothers of particularly rambunctious, or clumsy, children in Vertium and the Free Holds.

Basic Information


Ladder Root is unique in that its structure is composed of two parallel roots growing vertically into the ground, joined at regular intervals by horizontal offshoots between the two. The only surface hint of its presence are two small white flowers spaced around a hand width apart. The pedals are extremely fragile but regrow readily overnight if disturbed. Blooms in late summer.

Genetics and Reproduction

Flower reproduces uniquely in that it exchanges pollen with its paired shoot exclusively, attempts to pollinate non-paired flowers have uniformly failed.

Growth Rate & Stages

The early stages of a Ladder Roots life cycle are at present unknown, as attempts to breed it in, or transport a living sample to, greenhouses have yet to succeed. Experienced Herbologists believe the root spreads through the water table at its deepest levels and then produces a new, identical pair of roots that work through the soil to the surface.   Once established the root probably achieves its main life stage, and ceases new growth. Only regenerating damaged or lost roots or branches.   Samples of Ladder Root have proven extremely difficult to kill, and no recorded observation of the plant dying of natural causes have been observed. If it were not for the flowering portions being a favorite food of a number of Selanian species the root could prove quite invasive.   The total length of its life cycle are entirely unknown but The Seventh House believes it to be in the hundreds of years.

Ecology and Habitats

Ladder Root grows west of the Central Plains and can be found in any number of the more temperate environments, though it is particularly located in forest clearings under moderate light. It favors the soft soils and protective grasses of these locations.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ladder Root is known to rapidly deplete topsoil of nutrients when it spreads to a new location. The length of time between the roots arrival and arriving at an equilibrium with the surrounding flora is believed to be between 1 and 15 years. Further study of the roots destructive tendencies have been ordered by the Seventh House, though this report is long overdue.

Biological Cycle

The yearly life of the root is separated into two distinct stages. Flowering, and not not. The flowering portion of the plants life lasts 12 days in the late summer, and then the root retreats below the topsoil for the remainder of the year.   No other yearly changes have been observed at this time.

Additional Information


Not currently domesticated

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Minor topical applications for cuts and scrapes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Central Forests Southern Lakelands Eastern Foothills Central Riverlands
Scientific Name
Ladderan Subvertarian
Conservation Status
Ladder Root is farmed extensively in Vertium and in no danger of extinction. However, it should be noted by careful herbologists that the root depletes soil at an accelerated rate and care must be taken to avoid widespread topsoil depletion.
Average Height
5 Centimeters
Average Weight

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