Albus Corvus Character in SECTOR ABLUENTIUM | World Anvil
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Albus Corvus

Adventor Glaciales Albus Corvus

An Arbites investigating the heresy of Sector Albuentium. Stoic, professional, thrives in the familiar. Fears the unknown.

Current Location
Hive Caulus
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Lawful Professional
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 cm
195 lb

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After Action Report - Theatrics

'Votes' are inherently theatrical. In order to win the most votes, one must be able to swing a crowd. An abhorrent system, its' inclination away from holy, clockwork bureaucracy will inevitably drown out correct decisions in an attempt to secure the approval of the uneducated prole-worker. This is no more true when the citizen is a priest, and to direct such a system the same tactic of basal theatrics must be used. The attention-seeking, the shoddy claims, and the semi-accusational. Today, I have taken the kind-hearted priest, Father Zeeger, into this plan by revealing my information on Jovica, and in return I have received more insight into how this political system functions. Its rot is directed by the Confessor, who carries out his will in an attempt to strong-arm the conclave into doing his bidding. Were he the leader of Diocese Scorn, this might be acceptable, as is well known that might is an effective form of imperial bureaucracy. However, he is neither the leader, nor is he using his might to further the interest of the Imperium. He uses it to jail and servitorize those prole-workers standing against protestant heresy, and take servitors without the approval of the Mechanicum. Further, his rage at our group at killing a proven heretic can only point to greater corruptions. I can only pray we utilize those very same democratic flaws to shine the Emperor's light upon Jovica.   Even if there are no other Arbites to unroot that corrupted district, may this group be able to cleanse it in their stead.   The Emperor's Law Above All Else Adventor Glaciales Albus Corvus of Precinct Legis XIV, Marrinus, Sector Abluentium

After Action Report- Return to Garten

Perhaps the old adage is true: "Heresy is like a tree, its roots lie in the darkness, while its leaves wave in the sun." We have witnessed a small heresy, but all we have found are larger, more pernicious heresies which lie beneath.   I must wonder what had sown the seeds in this diocese. For now, we find that servitors were transferred to the control of Confessor Glaukos, but it remains to be seen why this occurred. The protestant preacher had built manufactories in his church, which must have stemmed from the lack of servitors to fulfill Imperial quotas. But if that preacher believed in serving the Emperor's will, which included fulfilling righteous industrial quotas, for what reason would he displace his servitors? Perhaps I am staking too much logic in the ravings of a heretic. Further, why would the Confessor allow this transfer to happen? Did he not have the foresight to realize why servitors were placed where they were? It is a worrying matter.   We had returned to District Garten to find it torn asunder. Serfs piled on top of each other. Administrators found missing. Buildings desecrated. The price of straying into darkness. We met with the tech-heretic Tetricus, whose neglect played a part in the terrible incident unfolding. I was wounded, but it will heal. There is no price I am not willing to pay to walk the Emperor's path. We spoke with the tech-priest, who revealed his information after percussive force was applied. The other tech-priests called it sacrilegious. The Emperor sanctifies it as duty. Now, we are pointed towards Jovica. I pray that this heresy ends short of there.   For now, I must follow the Emperor's path, wherever it leads. This matter reinforces what I have been taught my entire life: Straying from the path of the Emperor is heresy, whether one is a serf, an Arbites, or a planetary governor.   The Emperor's Law Above All Else Adventor Glaciales Albus Corvus of Precinct Legis XIV, Marrinus, Sector Abluentium

After Action Report - The House of Conversion

What I have witnessed that day was, distressing, to say the least of it. What the Mechanicus operates under is nothing short of the most excessive alienation. From the brutalizing architecture, to the methodical and terse way they communicate when speaking Gothic, they operate under this framework of isolation from even their own brothers. Though all pure humans should and must, and certainly do worship the Emperor's light as it shines through the golden and everlasting government of the Imperium of Mankind, it is hard to see their kind practicing the worship of their Omnissiah, the so-called manifestation of the Emperor within their machines, as being close to the holiness that natural citizens of the Imperium so prodigiously engage in.   I had been brought into the house of conversion, expecting to see the holy symbols of the Omnissiah, or at the very least iconography of the Emperor. Yet as we carried on throughout the hallways, twisting and turning, it was clear that the Adeptus in question had no desire in being under the eye of the Him, or any of His holy manifestations. Further, I believe (though, I can not be certain) that the hallways we were brought through were deliberately and very intentionally designed to obscure and confuse our perceptions. The air was stagnant, clearly giving the implication that we were far deeper than we actually were. At one point, new stimuli had become foreign to my body, and I had to rest for a moment before continuing the journey. I could tell that Pertinax, my colleague from the Adeptus himself, had also been under duress, considering his chanting of holy binaric litanies. After what seemed like an evening, we had reached the main part of the building, wherein penitents were held under lock and key. The sight was extreme. Afterwards each process of conversion was shown and revealed to us, until we finally came upon the administrator priests of such a place. It is unknown if they make the same walk every day. Throughout our talk, which included topics related to the Heresy of District Garten, the priests constantly bickered between themselves, never making any mention of their collective brotherhood, something which must have never been instilled within their kind. After proof of Tech Heresy, one of their tech priest adepts had agreed to follow us to the District, to find missing servitors which the Diocese priest Gogian had told us of earlier.   Now, we seek the tech priest of Garten, who must have been aware of this happening. He will tell us where these missing servitors are, even if he is unwilling to comply.   The Emperor's Law Above All Else Adventor Glaciales Albus Corvus of Precinct Legis XIV, Marrinus, Sector Abluentium


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