Alep-teth Species in Secrets of the Scarlet Horizon | World Anvil
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Ever on the move, Alep-teth are a people for whom inactivity is a complete mystery. Due mostly in part to their accelerated metabolism, Alep-teth are very short lived in comparison to the other races. Living at most into their early 40's, Alep-teth culture developed to be concentrated and dynamic.   From their origins as nomadic desert hunters, Alep-teth have always been on the move. Their quick metabolism requires very little rest. Serious rest is so inessential that they are able to rest while still doing tasks such as walking, crafting simple objects, or even reading. This manner of "sleep-working" affords them the ability to be constantly working, learning, and developing. Often by the end of their lives Alep-teth have done more in their short time than a longer lived counterpart due to sheer volume of activity.   Before the wrong idea is set, let it not be thought that Alep-teth struggle and strain to live as much as possible before the end of their brief lives. Their work ethic comes far more from enthusiasm and passion than desperation and fear. Any pursuit an Alep-teth pursues is done with joy and vitality. To others they may appear "flighty", but the heart of an Alep-teth is often quickly and powerfully drawn onto any number of paths.   As a culture at large, Alep-teth have developed to fill a space in existing societies rather than go through all the work of developing their own. Adaptable and easy going, Alep-teth tend of mesh with the world around them. Often they come to exemplify the values of the society that directly surround them. That is not to say that they have no personality or opinion of their own. More accurately, their expedient nature often finds a way to appreciate and integrate the world around them. Conflict is not something Alep-teth appreciate. That said, when left without any other option, Alep-teth apply their considerable focus, vast skill set, and adaptable nature to become devastating foes.   Overall, the Alep-teth desire as much out of life as they can possibly get. Whether settled into a town proper, or roving the world they always find a place to call home....until something else piques their interest.

Basic Information


Bipedal humanoid. Pink to red skin colour. Keratin forehead "crown" developed when reaching maturity.

Growth Rate & Stages

Reaches adulthood at the age of 3, and lives until their late 30's and early 40's

Ecology and Habitats

Generally adaptable to most environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

High metabolism requires a diet of heavy fats and high caloric food stuffs.

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