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Screams of a Silent World

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Once upon a time, on a planet called Maliknum, there came to be an intelligent race of herbivorous reptiles. These beings came together around a fire for the first time and began their civilization. Thousands of years later, that civilization would meet its end. The great cities perched atop trees lay empty. Dead bodies layered the streets in decay. The sound of a distant engine roaring as the last surviving Maklans made their last ditch attempt to survive. They had to leave their home and glorious civilization behind.   They flew through the Drift, towards a destination they found was the best possible option. Over many generations and several setbacks in the emptiness of space, they told stories of their world, and how they would one day go back.   Many generations pass, and they catch a glimpse of a brand new star. A red dwarf burning away, in the prime of its life. Excitement filled the ship as the rode the gravity straight to their target. As they passed by their destinations twin planet, one made of ice and rust, they prepared landing teams. Teams of virile families and scientists.   As they perched over the planet, made mostly of water they felt disappointment. The green, vibrant world was now gray and lifeless. But their tools detected something. They found what appeared to be cities. They felt hope, and after no small amount of tests they embarked their first landers. The first words on this new planet were "From the Land of Plenty" in reference to the desolate landscape of grey dust.   They found the cities they saw from on high, but in complete ruin and littered with bones. They were not the first to settle here. Before them was a mighty race who built cities of glass and steel. A race called Humanity.   Soon However, it would become apparent that the world is not as silent as it first appeared.

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