Scardona History of Bethynia Timeline
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History of Bethynia

The Life of Bethynia is a long and storied history. However the players of Arivil need to uncover the history piece by piece. Starting with where and how it was founded...

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    Bythina's Formation
    Era beginning/end

    Bethynia's true year of origin is hard to determine, it's choke point as a naval body and nearness to lush greens and crystal blue water. It functioned as a port for a very long time, growing it's power and position more and more

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    The Fledgling City Turned Capital

    As the township struggled to grow, a single nation found it to be a crucial point in the world. Emperor Constantinius set his sites on what would become his new capital. The actual geography of the city makes it a great place for a city to be but a bad place for a city to grow. There are lots of advantages for a large and powerful institution, but those same advantages make natural growth difficult.   Turning something out of nothing, the Emperor looked upon his creation with nothing but wonder and astonishment. The location highly defensible and at the crux of some really important trade routes, with natural harbors that weren't conducive to anything. The currents in the area made water travel dangerous for small boats, allowing the nation greater control over its ports

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    The Foundation of The One Guild

    The One Guild is Bethynia's, if not the World's, first guild with a focus on adventure. Due to the uniquely hostile nature of the territory, bandits and shamans saw the perfect opportunity to build a vast network of organized crime. Originally formed as a vigilante unit, they quickly grew tired of endless headhunts and began the quest for greater adventures beyond the horizons. Notable achievements from around this time include gaining the blessing of the emperor to function as a formal guild.

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    And this concludes the story so far...