Welcome to the Lands of the Horselords in Scardona | World Anvil
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Welcome to the Lands of the Horselords

"Traveling east from Scardona along the Jade Trail, the mountainous terrain gives way to a wide, grassy plain. Nomadic people refer to this sea of green as the Verdant Expanse." Secundus Bellator, My Travels in the East, circa 400 Common Era (CE)   The Land Wide prairies with gently rolling hills make up the majority of terrain in The Verdant Expanse. Few trees grow in the grasslands, and those that have manged to take root are small and not grouped in woods. This type of terrain spreads to the north and east all the way to the gates of Bithynia. Rugged badlands bound the Expanse to the south, blending with the mountains that lie between the plains and Graecia.   The People The nomads that range across the flatlands of The Verdant Expanse collectively refer to themselves as Horselords. Not a monolithic culture, The Horselords come from many ethnicities and traditions. Some of the most important include:   The Kazakhi (The Far Riders) reside in the west of the Verdant Expanse. Physically, the Kazakhi are tall and stocky. Their hair color ranges from blonde through dark brown with eyes that might be blue, green or brown. Most have fair skin, but some are darker complected from intermarriage with eastern Horselords. The Kazakhi have no overlord, but are instead grouped by clans. These tribal units fight among themselves for land and power, but have no problem setting aside their differences to unite against a foreign invader. The Kazakhi favor large, powerful horses to carry their heavily armed and armored warriors into battle. The clans also have foot soldiers armed with spears and bows. The Kazakhi value honesty and actions above all else. When meeting a Kazakhi, the Horselord will ask, "who are you that I should hear your words?" The Kazakhi will expect a statement of the acts the outsider has performed. The acts need not necessarily be martial in nature; they also appreciate a person who provides for others through farming or herding. The Kazakhi have begun to abandon their nomadic ways, settling in permanent encampments and fortified towns such as Zhamadrut or Black Barrow. (Cultural Inspiration: The Magyars, Huns)   The Al-Hayim (The Wanderers) originated in the lands of Ashgabar before settling on the Verdant Expanse. Physically, the Al-Hayim are medium in height and physique. The Wanderers tend towards dark hair and eyes, with dark complections that attest to their southern origin. The Al-Hayim travel in family groups, trainining to one day win back lost Ashgabar from its infernal conquerors. The families make no territorial demands, prefering to live among other Horselords. The Al-Hayim ride into battle on swift, light horses. The warriors prefer to launch volleys of arrows before riding out of reach of enemies. The Wanderers maintain ligthly armorerd infantry that specialize in ambushes and hit and run tactics. The Al-Hayim devote themselves to the All Powerful One, a diety of light that promises that they will one day return to their lost homeland. All Wanderers are expected to make a pilgrimage to view the walls of Ashgabar so that none forget their goal. (Cultural Inspiration: MIddle Eastern tribes, Moors)   The Ayanga (The Thunder Clans) roam across the northern plains of the Verdant Expanse. Orcs and other goblinoids make up the bulk of the Thunder Clans, but anyone who can prove themselves worthy can ride with the Ayanga. The Thunder Clan follow powerful warlords that have proven themselves in battle. The Thunderers favor giant bison to ride to war though some also ride horses. Despite their fearsome appearance The Ayanga peacefully co-exist with other Horselords, though they can be driven to war by any number of offenses. The Ayanga greatly value freedom, they live to ride and ride to live. The Ayanga make no permanent encampments, but often gather at Cyclops Lake and The Shrine of the Sleepless which hold strong cultutal importance.   The Scythians (The Amazons) live in the north eastern plains. The Scythians maintain a matriarchal society; women have more power than in other cultures but men also have importance. Scythian women are tall and powerful with their men being a bit less so. The Amazons have dark hair and eyes and fair skin. The tribe got the name Amazons from invading Graecians, who likened them to the female warriors of their mythology. The Amazons ride powerful warhorses and maintain large numbers of archers and lancers. The Scythians have restless souls, and they serve as mercenaries and adventurers throughout the Verdant Expanse and as far west as Scardona. The Amazons are intolerant of chauvenism based on sex, and will often come into conflict with others who treat the sexes as anything but equal.  
The Golden Horde are rarely seen in the Verdant Expanse, residing in the far east. The Men and women of the Golden Horde tend to be shorter and stockier than the Western Horselords, with dark hair and eyes with medium complections. The Horde are the most warlike of the Horselords, raiding Cathay in the east and warring with the tribes of the Verdant Expanse. The swift horesemen are adept archers and excellent swordsmen. The Golden Horde also act as traders, bringing rare goods from Cathay as far west as Zhamadrut. (Cultural Inspiration: Mongols)

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