The Sons of Chains Organization in Scardona | World Anvil
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The Sons of Chains

"The tavern was filled with them. A wall of leather jackets and suspicious stares made up the tables of the old establishment. All of them were young, the eldest was likely only in his late teens. But despite their young age, a tired weariness surrounded them. These were people who had been thrown to the side, people who were deemed unworthy of attention and care. Problems that could be sent away with a donation of gold. These were the disenfranchised youth left behind by the horrors of war. But they weren't united by despair, they were brought together from a unified rage. A deep pathologic fury burned behind their eyes. If the heroes of the city wouldn't protect them, they'd protect themselves."
-Scardona Crier article on the Sons of Chains, dated one week after the Duergar invasion.


The Sons of Chains were spawned from a group of war orphans, so making sure everyone has a voice is important to the group. The gangs are made of cells across the city who are ran by elected leaders. When the entire gang needs to make a decision, these leaders go to a secret meeting and decide on a course of action. All leaders have to follow the representative from the parent gang, the Wretched Sons, however only in special circumstances do the Wretched Sons step in.


Counter Culture is the soul of the Sons of Chains. They wear leather jackets, cut their hair in weird ways, and appreciate evocative (and sometimes crude) imagery mocking those in power. A prevailing anger towards the people who damaged their lives is at the core of all their culture. They use tools instead of traditional weapons to distance themselves from adventurers. They take over taverns to keep adventurers out. They can't hope to fight back against HARE, but they do their best to inconvenience them in every way.
The gangs also have very coarse language. Most sentences contain a symphony of curses throughout. In addition they have their own word for an adventurer, a "Bunny", in reference to the organization name HARE. Some adventurers are more respected than others and are graciously called "Rabbits". However figures of power, such as Lykus Ocelot, are called "Bunny [Censored]". This isn't to say that the gang is content with using just these insults, they have a extensive catalogue of insults towards people they dislike, but these are the most commonly used ones.

Public Agenda

They hate adventurers. They blame them for the atrocities that have transpired in Scardona, and want to do anything they can to defame and damage HARE. They're very open about this, proudly calling out adventurers and leaving insulting posters and grafitti all across Scardona.

No Weak Links

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Sisters of Chains, Wretched Sons
Parent Organization

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