The Duergar Species in Scardona | World Anvil
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The Duergar (Doo-ruh-gar)

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Most Duergar thrive in the depths of mountains where they can take advantage of their darkvision, smaller size, and stocky frame. Particularly they prefer the cold reaches of the far north.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Duergar, similar to their dwarven relatives, have darkvision. Which allows them to see in the dark, however they cannot see colors while using their darkvision. Some Duergar have been mutated to have enhanced senses, including being able to see invisible creatures, see up to 1 mile away, and being able to hear even the most minute sounds.

Civilization and Culture


Long before the Empire stepped foot upon the new world, the Dwarven Kingdoms were vibrant. Dwarves prospered, growing their kingdom across the Ironmantle Mountains. Most dwarves followed the teachings of Moradin, god of the forge. However, a small population of dwarves instead worshipped Abbathor, the god of greed. They lived in relative harmony, but as time passed the worshipers of Abbathor began to flourish. Detesting their selfish ways, the high priest of Moradin ordered a cleansing of the heretics. Flames ravaged the cities of Abbathor, worshipers were captured, and resistance was stamped out. However, the high priest of Abbathor, Torgus Ironpass, made a discovery that would change everything. Deep within the mountains was a cache of Prima Materia, the essence of all creation.
Desperate to maintain power and save his clan, he injected it into himself. Most would be obliterated by such a foolish act, their molecules melting into stardust. But whether it was luck, determination, or something more; Torgus survived. The Prima Materia gave him power, which he used to reconquer the cities taken by Moradin's loyal. But with absolute power comes absolute corruption. His followers began to change with the sudden presence of Prima Materia, their bodies transforming into monstrous forms.
The followers of Abbathor would conquer the Dwarven Lands and take upon a new name, the Duergar. With Torgus becoming the Duergar King. With the domination of the region came a new discovery, that of a dead god. A gargantuan skeleton of a deity that had been slain a millenium ago.

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