Tenebria Winters Character in Scardona | World Anvil
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Tenebria Winters

Tenebria Winters

Tenebria Winters, Bladesinger, book lover, and mage slayer. Her wit and blade are equally as sharp.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and willowy, takes after her elven heritage.

Body Features

Teal eyes with gold flecks, black hair streaked with white.

Facial Features

thin nose, high cheekbones,

Identifying Characteristics

Long black and white hair, often braided with feathers and beads. Each braid represents a death that she has personally vowed to avenge. The braids that represent her family are always there, but the others are taken out when the death is avenged. If she is ever seen outside of her armor, she has scars from learning how to be a bladesinger and previous encounters.

Physical quirks

She is ticklish but will stab you if you try to tickle her

Special abilities

Tenebria is very fast and dexterous. Ability to invoke bladesong.

Apparel & Accessories

Teal and black leather armor 2 scimitars cloak of displacment

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tenebria grew up in a medium sized village in the empire. Her mother Celeste was an astral elf, and her father Kyrin was human . She also had an older brother named Helios and a baby sister named Sidra. She had dreams of being a dancer or writing her own books.   When she was around 10 a local mage was doing illegal magical experiments near her village. Even though many of the local leaders had tried to address the issue and sought help from local governments/guilds/law enforcement agencies no help was given. Instead they recieved the excuse of lacking jurisdiction or not having the capabilities to take on the mage. Eventually, one of the mages experiments failed and destroyed the town and surrounding area killing most residents including her family. She lived in the ruins of the village for some time before she was given a ride to the city by a travelling salesman where she lived on the streets for several years. It was during this time that she caught the attention of a retired bladesinger while defending herself from a local gang trying to force her to join. Ta'Jeer took her in and taught her how to be a bladesinger and to wield magic herself. Eventually she joined the mages guild and continued her magical studies. After completing her basic studies she became an independent contactor for the mage's guild and eventually HARE as well.

Gender Identity



Tenebria has no interest in relatioships as that would be a distraction and mean allowing something other than books close


Tenebria was homeschooled or mentored for most of her life. She did not have formal education until she joined the mages guild as an apprentice.


Independent contractor for the Mages guild and HARE

Accomplishments & Achievements

Tenebria was extreamly proud when she conjured her bladesong for the first time. Another proud moment was beating Ta'Jeer for the first time in combat. She also feels accomplished anytime she masters a new spell.

Failures & Embarrassments

She used to be embarssed by not having a formal education and living on the streets but has since realized the benifit from living in that enviroment and how it allows her to think outside the box.

Mental Trauma

Tramatic moments in Tenebrias life were seeing her village destoryed at a young age as well as seeing and experincing living on the streets.

Intellectual Characteristics

Loves to work out how things are connected   always wants to break down magic and figure out new ways to use it   will loose herself in research

Morality & Philosophy

Has no problem being the anti-hero or vigilante as she thinks there is a need for someone to be able to work outside the law in order to enact justice when the law falls short   Has no issue with what she considers minor misuse of magic ie using mage hand to pickpocket in order to survive she has a big issue with what she does consider a major misuse ie trapping souls, enslavement, experimenting on people ect.


Things she thinks are taboo: Hurting children and innocents and using magic to oppress, enslave, cause grievous harm or control others

Personality Characteristics


to protect others from the things she has experienced to the best of her ability. To be the person that goes after magic users when others can't or won't.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: arcana, finding hidden things, how certian orgonizations or sectors of society work Ineptitudes: social/emotional situations

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: books music and dancing her familar Nox puzzles the color teal coffee smoking herbal substances a good fight or spar children though she tries not to show her soft side She also has a softspot for street urchins and others who are fogotton about.   Dislikes: pompous magic users corrupt officials cinnamon scents or flavors being tickled sand poorly written books

Virtues & Personality perks

very protective of those she thinks can't protect themselves or considers "hers" to protect she is intelligent but does not lord it over others

Vices & Personality flaws

likes to smoke "herbal remedies" overly analytical cuts herself off from others

Personality Quirks

left eye twitches if she's extremely annoyed wears almost exclusively the colors of black, silver, and teal has a ring with a moon and sun on it that she never takes off


Very hygenic overall but has lived in squalid conditions before and has no problem getting or being dirty if the job calls for it.


Contacts & Relations

Ta'Jeer - Mentor, retired bladesinger Lykus - Guildmaster of Hare various members of HARE Issara - Mage guild leader

Family Ties

Ta'Jeer, her mentor is the closest living person she has to family

Religious Views

she knows the gods are real but does not follow any in particular. The closest she comes to following them is honoring her dead relatives at the Raven Queens temple on the anniversary of their death.

Social Aptitude

Though she can be persuasive at times, she is much more comfortable observing rather than participating in things like social conversation, politics, or negotiation.


Formal and respectful most of the time, this only disapperes is she is extreammly angry or extreammly relaxed rather that be from being wrapped up in a bookj or from other substances.

Hobbies & Pets

Nox her raven familiar She also has a few plants in her room that she named Jasper and Ja'nette but she dosen't tell people she named her plants. She likes music and dancing but dosen't often engage in either, especially in public.


Very formal, clipped, and at times abbrubt. Her voice however is lower and elegant when she speaks.

Wealth & Financial state

Makes enough money to be considered well off by most standereds but lives modestly. She gives a lot of her money to charities or those she sees are in need of assistance.
Neutral/Chaotic Good
She laughs and walks away
The Empire
Current Residence
Teal blue with Gold flecks
Black with white streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 foot
85-90 pounds
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Men don't become Gods, they become monsters"
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Undercommon, Dwarvish

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Fletcher's Fall

I have just returned from cremating one of the few people within HARE that I considered a friend and not just a fellow guild member. We were on a quest with Lykus to return to the area where he was imprisoned for centuries in order to find any information about the Lich that Lycus is bound to. Upon first descending we encountered humanoid spider people but they were quickly dispatched. We entered into the ever changing maze that Lycus has built in hopes on trapping the Toll King prior to his release. There were several encounters during this time but overall most were within our skill set.   However, in the last room were two abominations doing the bidding of the Toll King. We engaged in combat with the tentacle monster and the shadow monster, the battle for the most part seemed to be going out way until we discovered that one of the abominations made anyone within its area also take any damaged it received as well. Fletcher was engaged in close combat as he was prone to do and unfortunately went down after dealing a significant blow to the creature. We were hoping to heal Fletcher and bring him back to consciousness, unfortunately, upon the creatures death it realized a death burst that ensured Fletchers demise.   The Toll King decided to taunt us about our loss and our abilities, but I and several others promised that we would indeed meet again and do our best to bring him down. After all, the Toll King is no God, only a monster with an ego complex. In his taunting he left mockeries of the normal loot we find in such places. He left a fake religious token for me, it is my plan to smelt it into a new weapon that will help bring down the false king.   After the battle Lykus used talk to the dead to ask Fletcher if he wanted us to have one of the clerics bring him back but he said he did not. Fletcher said he preferred to be cremated and to give his things to Thing. Then told me to leave his things alone, the smart arse, always some quip even in death. I ensured that his last wishes were followed and got him a nice urn.   I sit here tonight adding yet another braid to my hair, this time for Fletcher, to join the braids for my family and the fallen of Scardona. Each one represents a death and my promise to avenge it. The Toll King is powerful, of that there is no doubt, and it will take time and power to bring him down. He has upset the balance in this world for too long and the world suffers for it, but hopefully not for much longer. After all, he may be the Toll King, but I am the Debt Collector. The Toll Kings’ accounts have come due and his ledger is nothing but red.


Almost two weeks ago I and other members of a strike team for HARE were given the task of following the rumors of a headless horseman that has been terrorizing the area around Scardona. We initially asked around the farming areas and their found a young girl named Matilda that seemed to have some ability or seer blood as she was experiencing visions of the headless horseman and the destruction that would follow in his wake.   Upon further investigation we discovered that a local mage had accidentally switched a powerful charm capable of summoning the Dullahan to destroy the town it was summoned by with a package of cinnamon. After more investigations the strike team had located the point of the summoning of the Dullahan. I tried to cast magic circle around the point of summoning but it shattered upon the Dullahans arrival. A. We eventually discovered that the headless monster had a magic null zone around him and wasn't simply immune to magic which resulted in me losing my mage armor and greater invisibility. After one party member removed his amulet he eventually became susceptible to magic again but we still an extremely formidable opponent. In all honesty, if not for Alene helping out I, and the other two members of the team, I doubt any of us would have survived the encounter.   I collected the amulet responsible for the magic null zone and plan to research it and its effects. I do not know if it will be possible to reverse engineer or discover other uses for this power, but I plan on investigating it further. I believe this might be a project that will take many years to complete but it is always good to have at least on ongoing project.


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