Brick Shi'Thouse Character in Scardona | World Anvil
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Brick Shi'Thouse

Brick Shi'Thouse

Hate and anger and speed all rolled up in a single ball.

Angry, Deadly, Gassy.

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Chaotic Good
35 years old?
Date of Birth
Not sure
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
230 lbs of muscle.

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Built Shi'Thouse Tough

I grew up in the rolling hills of Scardona, along with my family and tribe, I was in a loving home and had brothers and sisters a mom and dad. And nothing really bad ever happened to me or my family until one fateful day. I saw a flash of bright green light in the distance one day, and I went to investigate, upon investigating I met a rabbit, but not like any rabbit I had seen before. This rabbit talked and told me funny stories, this rabbit was named Reginald, and he needed help getting this girl free from an evil witch. After freeing the girl from an evil witch we all went back to Scardona and met this fun witch named Maeve, then we went looking around for caves and in these caves we found some cool places that had a lot of old scary looking dwarves called Druegr or Duergar, sounds something like that, basically really angry Dwarves. After one of the adventures I went and fought some Druegar that had become a beholder that we killed, and I became infected with a symbiote. The next adventure was within the building of HARE itself, Reginald had been locked away and a fake Reginald was trying to kill us, after killing an evil Avatar of demons we got Reginald his body back. The week after that, I went to help an old man, and after walking into his home the floor fell out and we fell thousands of feet to an underground cavern, the cavern had one way forward, towards a giant castle, the castle was actually a realm of a God, the God of partying. After telling him I would be his champion, he gave me a powerful blade, the flame-tongue great-sword. I killed a shadow dragon, a demon, and three demon dogs. Next we went to the vault of Acastus, this place was huge, and scary and we barely made it out, but I got a really good set of boots, the boots of speed. These things make me very fast, maybe too fast. I fought several worms, barely survived. Then fought against a big green dragon immediately after and almost died. Met a friendly beholder named Blu-Gar, he didn't kill me or shoot me, so I think we can add him to the friendly list, someone said he is in old history books as a friendly guy, so I guess that is good enough for me. Met a small guy named Corc, he is crazy, he stuffed a canon full of dynamite and killed a bunch of bad guys, so that was pretty cool. Went to a place called Miscellus, this place had a bunch of problems, but luckily we got there in time to fight some bad guys that were messing with a giant spider. Then we went back and defeated a vampire guy in a tower, he was really tough, and I got a awesome cloak that makes me blurry. Went on another adventure into the vault of acastus with Westen, there was some prima materia in the air so it made it hard to see where we were going, and spells acted strange when we used them down there. Duergar started coming into Scardona again, and we had to fight them again. I went on a small journey via ship, and when I got back Scardona was being attacked again, I fought against the Duergar and tried to save Reginald, but was unable to this time. This time he truly died. I went into a frenzy and fought against the Duergar with all my might, luckily as I fell, a fellow adventurer, Alene was able to fell the mighty monster Duergar. I went to the feywild to retrieve Reginald, and had to leave to help Westen with a trip to the dwarven sculptor Garan, they needed help escaping the Duergar, and luckily we killed them quickly, quickly enough they felt safe with us. And one of the workers came up with a brilliant idea to carve in they were kidnapped by the very guys we killed, we hid their bodies outside. And thats all about me up til now, I know it doesnt seem like it, but I am pretty proud of my group, we have survived a lot to get where we are now. I am saddened by the fact that the Duergar killed my whole family, but I got a new one with the HARE guild.


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