Alene Journal Entry #1 Prose in Scardona | World Anvil
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Alene Journal Entry #1

Credit to: Alene loviti 
A Centaur druid burst through the door needing help with aiding their spirits in which give them power, he wasn’t very relieved we were the ones doing it. But supposedly we were all he could get. Come to find out some horror of a foe imprisoned deep within the mountains got loose and went after their spirit gods. We were able to stop a parasite leaching power and it killing the snake spirit god. The spider spirit hadn’t been affected yet and promised to stay out. The growth wolf spirit were being attacked by psychic dragons and we barely managed to save the one that was gravely injured. The spirit of death was being attacked by the a avatar of the foe that was released from the mountain. With the help of corc’s ingenuity and dynamite we were able to blast the avatar into fear and it flew off saving the spirit of death.


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