A Writer's and Adventurer's Guide to The Verdant Expanse in Scardona | World Anvil
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A Writer's and Adventurer's Guide to The Verdant Expanse

This article describes the flavor and possibilities for adventures set in The Verdant Expanse. All DungeonMasters are invited to write adventures in the setting and all players may create adventurers to explore the lands. I designed the Verdant Expanse to have a certain flavor and consistant themes, so please read this article to assist with planning adventures that will fit the genre.   The Genre The Land of the Horselords is a low fantasy setting, with a Sword & Sorcery feel like the works of Robert E. Howard (Conan, Solomon Kane), Fritz Leiber (Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser), or Robert Aspirin (Thieves' World). Sword and Sorcery stories involve sword-wielding heroes engaged in exciting adventures. Elements of romance, magic, and the supernatural are also present. Unlike works of high fantasy, the yarns, though dramatic, focus on personal struggles rather than world shaking threats.   Themes
  1. Magic is rare, wondrous and ultimately corrupting. The Horselords produce few if any arcane casters. They regard magic with suspicion and distrust those who use it casually. Stories of wicked enchanters and those driven mad by the lust for mystical power fill the sagas of the Horselords. Facilities to craft or sell magic items are non-existent, but potions, charms, and other low-level items might be found in the markets of Zhamadrut.
  2. While honor is prized treachery is abundant. With no strong central government on the plains, the various factions struggle to gain power over the others. The politics of The Verdant Expanse are a dangerous game full of double crosses, betrayals, and falsehood. Grabbing power is a hard-fought battle, and holding it is even more difficult.
  3. The Ancient World lies just beneath the surface. While the people of the Expanse live a simple life for the most part, the area played home to elder races and lost kingdoms that left behind great treasures for those bold enough to take them. An adventurer might hit it rich with an excursion into ancient ruins but is just as likely to barely escape death.
  4. The area is truly exotic. People from all over creation pass through Zhamadrut sharing different cultures, goods, and beliefs. The rich variety of experiences is staggering. The Expanse is a great place to introduce non-European material.
  5. Faith abounds, but the Gods are distant. Divine magic may be freely used and does not garner the disdain of the Horselords. However, the gods do not directly act in the area, and those hoping for a divine save may not live to be disappointed.
DungeonMastering Advice
  1. Avoid large treasure drops. Reward characters with monetary wealth, friendships/alliances and titles (not necessarily a noble title, but a nickname is powerful- Hogar the Swift will turn heads). While magic items are rare, finely crafted goods from all over are present. Instead of a magical +1 sword a character might find a blade of fine, Ashgabarian Steel that grants a +1 to attack rolls and damage but does not count as magic for the purposes of breaking through resistances. Be creative.
  2. Lean into the Genre. Make your games weird and wonderful. Fill them with monsters never before seen, evil sorcerers with unheard or powers, and strange locales. Make the thrill of adventure, not the reward gained, the driving force for characters.
  3. Work together. Instead of creating a new villain, cult or location for each session talk to other DMs about what they have already done. Use each other's creations to give the setting a unified feel without the burden of too many loose ends.
I hope you will help to develop the Verdant Expanse and am anxious to see what creative ideas you bring to the setting.

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