Faefolk Species in Sayen's Universe | World Anvil
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One of the races living in the Faewood, the Faefolk were native to these lands, and were the first to welcome the High Elves and Wood Elves once these races settled there. The Fae-queen at the time famously visited the Wood Elf King at the time to personally welcome him and his people, bearing a gift and a peace treaty from her people to his. This has led to a close bond between the two races: it's not uncommon to see Faefolk in Wood Elf settlements and vice versa. This long-standing allyship between the two kingdoms was not a big surprise to its inhabitants, as both races share a deep respect for nature. While Faefolk often use the natural materials available to them for their clothes, buildings and crafts, they always give back to nature whenever they take from it. For example: Faefolk in the woods will plant a sapling for every tree they cut down, and Faefolk from the Azure Shores will also comb the beach for trash after combing it for seashells. This habit leads to a difference in appearance between Faefolk from different areas then the Faewood: to only look at the kingdom's capital of Nelmelle when trying to learn about Faefolk culture would be selling their people short.     As the Faefolk have a natural knack for tapping into the magical energies of the world, they are known to produce some of the most talented mages in the world. Some even say they can tap into these energies naturally instead of taking years of study to do so.

Basic Information


Faefolk have wings on sprouting from the back of shoulders similar to insects: butterfly wings are the most common, but dragonfly wings and beetle wings are not out of the question. Wing shape and colour are hereditary. They physically look similar to shorter Humans, and stand at around the same height as Dwarves.

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