Elf Species in Sayen's Universe | World Anvil
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A subset of humanoids, Elves look similar to Humans, save for their pointy ears and slightly taller height. The High Elves, Sun Elves, and Wood Elves have held a long-standing and promising alliance with the Humans: it is not uncommon to see these Elves in Human settlements and vice-versa. And while the High Elves have always held a friendly rivalry with the Dwarves, their kingdoms have a similar alliance with them.  

Balanced and Collected

Where the Orcs are known for their rage, Elves in general are known for a trademark calm: it's hard to emotionally disbalance an Elf, and they are known to be patient to a fault. Where a Human Sniper would take a badly aimed, rage-fuelled potshot at an enemy at an insult to their personal honor, an Elven one will instead quietly channel this anger into extra precision in their shot.

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