Zilargo Organization in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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The gnomes of Khorvaire have lived in the area known as Zilargo for thousands of years. Situated between the Howling Peaks and the Seawall Mountains, the gnomes have thrived despite incursions by and conflicts with goblinoids, kobolds, and humans. They have always managed to maintain their independence, winning battles with words that they could never win with swords. After Galifar established his kingdom, he eventually set his sights on Zilargo. The gnomes met his forces in the valley north of Dragonroost and immediately surrendered. During the negotiations, the gnomes became an independent province within the kingdom. Galifar left in victory, and the gnomes secured a safe place in the new kingdom —all without spilling a drop of blood. Relying on wisdom and cunning, along with elemental-bound items and illusions, gnomes can be surprisingly dangerous opponents.   During the Last War, Zilargo spent part of the conflict as a neutral observer before aligning with Breland in 962 YK. From that point on, the gnomes provided intelligence and elemental-bound weapons to Breland while avoiding most combat. As a result, Zilargo emerged from the Last War stronger than ever, and Breland owes the gnomes a debt for the services they rendered.

Demography and Population

250,000 (60% gnomes, 16% humans, 11% dwarves, 7% kobolds, 6% other races)

Trade & Transport

Exports: Alchemical goods, education, entertainment, maps, precious stones, ships
Geopolitical, Country
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds


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