Upper Northedge Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Upper Northedge

Upper Northedge is home to those who have the wealth to purchase a manor in the clouds, but who wish to avoid the bustle of Upper Central. This ward also houses the majority of Sharn’s population of elves.   This is the perfect place for the noble who can afford a manor in the clouds but wants to avoid the bustle of Upper Central. It’s also home to most of the elves of Sharn. In particular, the district of Shae Lias is a bastion of Aereni culture and traditions. The heart of Shae Lias is Gates of Passage, which serves as the Aereni embassy and a temple to the Undying Court. The Oaks is one of the finest restaurants in Sharn (aristocratic quality... at aristocratic prices). The Veil of Flesh specializes in body art, both traditional tattoos and temporary illusions woved directly into the skin.


Social Class: Upper class
Character: Wealthy, but not ostentatious. Calm and peaceful.

Industry & Trade

Businesses: Upscale and exotic elven craftwork; gold piece limit: 100,000 gp


Districts: Elf neighborhood, wealthy residential (2)


  • Sharn - Upper Northedge
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Key Personalities:
Dantian d’Lyrandar (N male half-elf expert 5/dragonmark heir 3)
Haras Kant (NE male human aristocrat 6)
Ilia Merith (LG female human aristocrat 3/expert 3)
Councilor Maza ir’Thadian (LN female elf commoner 17)
Mayne Jhaelian (LN male elf cleric 9)
Tanar Mendyrian (N male elf wizard 3/magewright 10)

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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