Sc.6: The Sharn Sewer Plot in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Sc.6: The Sharn Sewer

Plot points/Scenes

Skaken points out a narrow passage that leads to a staircase that descends deeper into the tower. With each step down, the odor of mold and sewage becomes stronger, and you can hear liquid sounds increasing in volume as you descend.
  The narrow staircase is 5 feet across, making it necessary for the adventurers to march in a single file.   Notice check: The party can make a Notice check (-4) to notice something that might lead to the Warforged assassin Shadows before he strikes. The check is more difficult due to the sound of moving water, and the stench of the sewage, as well as the skill of Shadows in hiding. Success: The character will not suffer The Drop by an attack from Shadows.   When the PCs pass the spot marked “A” on the map, a warforged rogue attacks from his hiding place in the deep shadows of the ceiling. The warforged makes a surprise attack on the last PC to leave the space with The Drop. When the warforged attacks, read:  
A warforged strikes from the shadows, his rapier piercing the air with deadly efficiency.   “You have the provost’s journal,” the warforged says. It’s not a question. “Give the book to me, no more will be hurt and you can live to see another day. Refuse, and we will make your deaths slow and painful.”
  The stairs lead to a wider tunnel. A shallow trench, about 2 feet below the tunnel floor, runs down the center of the tunnel, carrying sewer water from east to west. A thick grate allows water to flow from the east, but is otherwise impassable. Metal iris valves, evenly spaced along the tunnel walls, open at regular intervals to dump more water into the tunnel. The warforged rogue’s paid associates, a pair of feral shifters, are positioned at the spot marked “B” on the map.   They shift and begin to move forward to engage the PCs upon hearing the rogue attack. The shifters have little discipline. They charge into the fray, targeting the largest or most powerful-looking opponent, usually attempting to double up on the foe to gain a flanking advantage. After half of the shifters fall, the rest flees. The shifters also flee if the warforged is defeated.   If one of the PCs spotted the shifter watching them at the Rat’s Market, that PC recognizes one of the shifters attacking them as that shifter.


Cruel Tricks

If the Shadows is disabled, his final messenger dislodges and flies up the stairs the PCs descended into this sewer tunnel. The messenger provides the leader of this warforged mission to Sharn with the information it needs to track the PCs into the ruins of Dorasharn.



One Shifter thug for each PC



Value Action: When you determine initiative for this encounter, draw an action card for the values. On the valve’s turn every other round, roll 1d12 to determine which valve cycles open. Any character in the same row as the active valve is hit with a sudden wash of sewage and must make an Agility roll (-2) to withstand the rushing water. A failed check indicates that the character is knocked prone.


Combat / Engagement
Plot type
Ambush in the Sewers
Related Locations

Warforged, assassin

Male personality assassin warforged.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d10, Thievery d8

Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness:

Languages: Common d8

Hindrances: Loyal (Minor) (to the Lord of Blades)

Edges: Assassin

Gear: Rapier (Str+d4, Parry +1)

Special Abilities:

  • Armor +2: Composite plating
  • Living Construct Nature: Warforged do not need to breathe, eat, or drink, and are immune to poison and disease. Warforged also don’t need to sleep, and arcane powers can’t put them to sleep. -4 to Healing power or Healing skill checks.
  • Outsider: Warforged have –2 to Persuasion rolls when interacting with non-warforged.
  • Steel Fists: ​Str+d4.


Shifter Thug (Gorebrute)

Thugs are ruthless enforcers skilled at intimidation and violence. They work for money and have few scruples.​

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: ​Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Taunt d6

Pace: 6, Parry: 5, Toughness: 6 (1)

Languages: Common d8

Gear: Leather jerkin (+1), Dagger (Str+d4)

Special Abilities:
  • Low-Light Vision: ​Shifters ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).
  • Shifting (Minor Shape Change): Shifting is a action and lasts 1 minute or until dismissed as a free action. The shifter ignores 1 Wound penalty. At end must wait 4 hours or suffer a level of fatigue when second shifting ends.
  • Shifting (Gorebrute): Shifting manifest powerful horns Str+d6 damage.

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