Middle Menthis Plateau Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Middle Menthis Plateau

Middle Menthis is quite possibly Sharn’s most diverse ward, representing a true melting pot of different races, ethnic and national origins, economic classes, and social statuses. Small communities of human immigrants from the Lhazaar Principalities (in Warden Towers), the Shadow Marches (in Cassan Bridge), and Cyre (in Smoky Towers), in addition to the large halfling community in Little Plains and the students of Morgrave University, drawn from across Khorvaire, contribute to this diversity. Together, these many communities of immigrants make Middle Menthis an excellent place to find crafts and services that are particular to certain peoples and nations.   This ward is the most diverse in Sharn, and includes communities drawn from across Khorvaire. The Little Plains district draws halfling immigrants from the Talenta Plains. Cassan Bridge has a significant population of orcs and half-orcs from the Shadow Marches. Immigrants from the Lhazaar Principalities have settled in Warden Towers. And Smoky Towers had a significant Cyran community even before the Last War; this has become a haven for Cyrans wealthy enough to avoid the refugee camps of High Walls. This results in a diverse array of cuisine, entertainment, and services drawing on the traditions of these places.   The Everbright district may be of particular interest to adventurers. This is a hub for mystical goods and services. There’s a wide assortment of magewrights, and the shops have a good selection of common and uncommon magic items. With that said, the people of Middle Menthis are law-abiding folk; if you’re looking for spellcasters to help you with illegal activities or want to sell stolen artifacts, you should turn to Lower Dura.


Social Class: Middle class (1 upper class district, 1 lower class district)
Character: Racially, ethnically, and economically diverse downtown area.

Industry & Trade

Businesses: Varied, from posh magic item dealers to run-down general stores; gold piece limit: 40,000 gp; the limit in Everbright is 100,000 gp for magic items only


Districts: Theater district, garrison, magic district, halfling encampment, shops


  • Sharn - Middle Menthis Plateau
Location under
Key Personalities:
Councilor Caskar Halavik (N halfling barbarian 2/expert 4)
Thuranne d’Velderan (NG half-orc rogue 5/dragonmark heir 1)

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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