Lower Menthis Plateau Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Lower Menthis Plateau

The lower ward of Menthis Plateau perhaps best meets the stereotype of a metropolitan entertainment district. Its streets are crowded night and day, its buildings huddle dark and close together, and its offerings are lurid and often risqué. The only exceptions are the two residential districts, which are comparatively quiet places that give the Sharn Watch little trouble.


Social Class: Lower class (2 middle class districts)
Character: Rowdy entertainment district.

Industry & Trade

Businesses: Seedy but not run-down, theaters, casinos, bordellos, restaurants, and inns; gold piece limit: 10,000 gp


Districts: Theater district, red light district, tavern district, average residences (2)


  • Sharn - Lower Menthis Plateau
Location under
Key Personalities:
Councilor Savia Potellas (NE female human expert 2/bard 1)

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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