Dragoneyes Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Like the changelings who control most of the brothels, Dragoneyes shifts its appearance to suit the needs of the moment. Where it caters to teamsters and Cogs workers, Dragoneyes is a rough-and-tumble neighborhood filled with rowdy taverns and gambling halls. But the west side of the district is designed with merchants and the wealthy in mind, and the delights it offers are more sophisticated.   Dragoneyes has a number of inns, taverns, and restaurants aimed toward frequent travelers passing through Sharn. But there is no reason a visitor should have to dine or sleep alone. The streets are full of people of all races and genders offering companionship. Wise people avoid these freelance operatives— who are often thieves or con artists looking for an opportunity—and instead frequent one of the many brothels in the district. Dragoneyes also contains a handful of dream parlors, places where illusion magic is used to provide exotic entertainment.   Dragoneyes is the base of operations of the Tyrants, a guild of deception run by doppelgangers and changelings. The Tyrants manage to walk a fine line, dealing with both Daask and the Boromar Clan to provide the people of Dragoneyes with dreamlily and dragon’s blood.


Social Class: Lower class

Industry & Trade

Buildings: Temple (Olladra), shrine (the Traveler), upscale lodging (Velvet’s) (1), average lodging (9), poor lodging (70), average food (20), poor food (80), poor trades (80), poor services (especially brothels, gambling halls, and pawnshops) (140), poor residences (100)


District Type: Red light district
First Impression: This district varies dramatically from street to street, blending loud, lowbrow entertainment with more sophisticated and sensual pleasures for wealthier visitors.
Location under

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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