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67 ANF, Pasture's Plenty, 18th day

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A glistening blue and green pearl set in the pitch black and glowing sparks of space. A familiar sight, but not the world you know. This is the planet of Satt, a world of divine design and inhabited by races of Man, Dwarf, Elf, Hobgoblin, and Giant. Dire wolves roam the taiga past the mountains cold, tracking a bleeding wooly rhinoceros through snow and pines. Halls carved in mountains by picks bigger than men, where the old king under the mountain commands his giant clans. Dwarves in the foothills drive axes through trees like well-oiled machines, building and tearing down pristine buildings, and the dwarven hunters stalk the wilds for all manner of monster and beast. Clockwork soldiers, their number ever-dwindling, patrol the streets and castle walls. A blessing for some, a scourge for others, and no matter who they're watching, a tool of the nobility. Horseman ride the plains and grassy fields, stopping at a river, then moving along as they have for generations. Priest and brigand trot through desert hills, both on the same journey to the great port city where ships launch to lands untainted my man. A tanned elven face is shrouded by cloth, a shield on his back, the sandstorm bothers him not, because his ruinous quarry looms ahead holding untold secrets of civilization past. A hobgoblin sheathes his katana and stares at the head of his foe, just another threat off the list. Colonists watch the jungle from their ship, yet they are blind to the heavily tattooed elves staring back at them from the treeline, curious and cautious.

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