Ziongate Organization in Sarnil | World Anvil
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Unlike The Shroud, Ziongate is not an uninhabitable wasteland. There are no great, terrible monsters that have emerged from the fiery depths of the country. There are Tieflings and Humans, both of which are inherently quite evil, but the true power of Ziongate lies not in might, but rather the cunning of the place. Ziongate, historically, has stayed out of wars until the time was ripe to strike on weakened nations. Only the combined forces of the rest of Sarnil were able to hold them off, as in the War of Kithorun. Unfortunately, the key to their impossible numbers and incredible strength are still closely held. They are not insurmountable odds, but there is clearly strong leadership from within Ziongate. Many believe that The Giellan Union and all current national alliances have only been made out of fear for Ziongate. The Zions are themselves afraid of nothing. They have tried to take over before, they will do so again. It is only a matter of time.

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