Ebon War Military Conflict in Sanurle | World Anvil
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Ebon War

The Conflict


Following the discovery by the Black Scholars of an elemental rift underneath the Ebon Keep, the Solurian Empire sought to claim the Keep for their own uses.


The Ebon War was fought on the border between the Kingdom of Astea and the Solurian Empire at the Ebon Keep. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, both offense and defense were limited in their ability to reinforce their numbers.

The Engagement

The Ebon War was fought over a period of seven months. The Asteans relied on the Ebon Keeps defensive walls and moat to rebuff the advances of the Empire, but found themselves overrun by the sheer numbers the Empire was able to route through underdark caverns in the Great Peak discovered by Soluria's scholars. King Erwin II guided his knights to a solid defense of the keep, and the Mage's Council worked to control the energies of the rift below the Keep.   After months of research and work, the Council was able to harness a small part of the energy within the rift, unintentionally releasing a blast of divine energy into the surrounding area. Half of the Council was killed in the blast and Emperor Solaire, having lead a small team to infiltrate the keep, was not seen again and presumed destroyed.


In the months following the War, new trade lines were established with Astea, and a joint-governmental venture was entered to discover the full power of the elemental rift in the Ebon Keep.   A member of the Astean Mage's Council was placed in the Solurian capital, to advise the Empress and facilitate communication between the neighboring countries.


Astea has risen to be one of the great powers of Sanurle. Slavery in both regions was outlawed, and has remained a dwindling trade for only the most twisted individuals.The Mage's Council has an ever-increasing presence in guiding both Soluria and Astea.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The Kingdom of Astea arose victorious, and brokered a peace with Soluria.


The Kingdom of Astea
The Solurian Empire


20,000 Men
40,000 Men


6,000 Men
17,000 Men


Secure the elemental rift within the Ebon Keep and prevent the Solurian takeover of the Keep.
To enact a hostile takeover of the Ebon Keep, and take control of the rift within.

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