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The Furion

The Furion (a.k.a. The Jackrabbit, The Desert Striker, Veiled One)

They stalk the caravans of the desert, raid the croplands of the wealthy, cast their blade to any who crosses their path. The Furion is a person of which virtually nothing is known. They cover themself in thick scarves and tunics, painting the parts of their face that show with pigment. Their name has been a closely guarded secret for years, and they only speak when absolutely necessary. In their travels, they keep a tight band of fellow thieves and outlaws, often setting up camps in the middle of nowhere or dispersing within a city for a few days. Very few have ever gotten close enough to commit their face to memory, however their conviction and forceful actions are legendary in some lands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Healthy, as far as anyone knows.

Identifying Characteristics


Physical quirks

Often they can be caught staring intently at nothing, with their eyes glazed over, deep in thought. When angry or in fear, they will often stiffen up and straighten their back, tilting their head up rather than shrinking away. Their fingers are often held in twisting, stiff positions.

Apparel & Accessories

They usually sport obscuring, full-body tunics, veils, and cloaks. Their scarves are bundled around their head and neck, sometimes long enough to be tied around their waist as well. When not wearing ankle-length, wide tunics or dresses, their pants are incredibly baggy. A few constants are that they always wear tough boots that can carry them over long, hard walks or runs. They also tend to adorn themself in jewelry with thick, heavy necklaces, rings, and sometimes bracelets, along with other ornaments hanging from their belts or clothing.

Specialized Equipment

They are known to be skilled in wielding pole-arms fit for riding combat, as well as scimitars and other short blades. They tend to carry on their person small hidden darts or needles, often coated in poisons, to jab at anyone who may get too close. Preferably, though, they always have access to a pole-arm weapon, appreciating the distance they can gain and swift battles that come with striking from atop a ridden creature.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Furion has lived a life as a thief. They began young, stealing food and water and livestock, traveling to different town steads and villages as they grew. Slowly, they gained a few close allies, and amassed a handful of unstable followers which shifts and changes from job to job.   They keep most of their personal life a secret, as if it never happened at all. They have never lived in one place, and never divulged full, truthful information to anyone who hasn't kept their secrets.

Gender Identity

Neither male nor female nor anything else, the Furion considers even their sex and gender to be too personal to share. They stick to using gender neutral language for themself, and dress in ways that obscure their entire body. Upon being asked about either their biological sex or gender identity, they usually respond with cryptic remarks, such as "I am all that I have ever been, and all that I ever will be."


The Furion has never been known to take any sort of lover. This is unknown as to whether they are asexual or are simply too secretive to even allow themself to get so close to another person.


They never attended any sort of school, but have taught themself to read multiple scripts and languages. A few of their closer companions will occasionally speak or translate for them when needed. They have taught themself forms of arithmetic, dealing often in issues of money and value.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Survived at least a few decades on their life of crime alone

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

They are known to be a fairly patient person, willing to sit through long negotiation talks or hunt a quarry for days. Their persistence is unmatched, often compared to a tracking hound, and their ability to rally their troops to their cause is something that confuses law enforcement and noble authorities all over the lands. In good times, they are often merciful as well, priding themself on their basic decency of never actively hurting children and being willing to hear out pleas for justice or sanctuary.

Vices & Personality flaws

Often, the Furion tends to become caught up in their conflicts, allowing their pride and anger to take over. This has resulted in alienation of some allies in the past, and botched jobs or raids. They take vengeance very seriously, keeping track of those who wrong them, and openly inviting those that they have wronged to challenge them back. Many would also say that their trademark persona of never allowing anyone to grow close to them is only continuing to hurt and hinder them further.


Hobbies & Pets

They have a soft spot for most animals, treating their riding mounts with great care and respect. They have also bonded with a few stray dogs and cats that travel with them and their group, as these pets cannot divulge their secrets like people can.
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark tan
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "All that I am is all that I have ever been."
  • "If I allow you to see my face, then I will have to kill you straight away after."
  • "I am never at all what you think me to be."

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