Bill McNye Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Bill McNye

Head Magister of Sanctuary

It's a sub-clause in my graduation cert; traditional wizards are forbidden from shaving their beards.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was raised in New Atlantis by his parents, his father a magic item vendor and his mother a maid. He is the middle child, an older sister and younger brother, born into middle-class society.   Stillborn, his parents thought he was not going to survive. Miraculously, he recovered and has remained in average health since. At a young age his father recognized Bill's competency for magic, and ushered him towards New Atlantis' College of Magic. In his years of study he was required to conduct research in different areas of the world. On one of the many voyages, his skills were noticed by a shady individual. This individual intended to remain anonymous, but shed light on discrepancies within the Arcane Society that Bill had always been curious about.   After graduating from his studies, his talent was requested by military forces around the world. One particular Mensokan lieutenant requested a magical item to be crafted for him. Unfortunately, this lieutenant was an all-around prick, to both his subordinates and Bill. Because of this, Bill intentionally botched the item, and collected pay. The lieutenant was unofficially unfit to lead, as determined by his men, so Bill felt no regret in doing so.   This act of self-imposed justice resulted in the tipping of the lieutenant failing in his duties. In having him removed, Bill unwillingly caught the eye of several 'professional' types. His time spent there involved in several, well intended, but failed relationships; Bill believes this is a result of conflicting ideals.


A graduate of New Atlantis' College of Magic.

Mental Trauma

Severe Phobia of Outsiders, especially of an Evil Origin.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, Calculating, Intellectual

Morality & Philosophy

Bill is a man of his word, to those who are deserving of his trust. He looks at situations logically, and sometimes comes across as cold, though usually with the best intentions.
Year of Birth
25 1025 Years old
170 lbs
Related Myths

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