Barodak Character in Saicronia | World Anvil
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Barodak (a.k.a. The Flail)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features


Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics


Special abilities

crushing heads

Apparel & Accessories

leather panties

A Half-Orc from Uz Drakul. Not the smartest, nor the most smooth talking, but is certainly better an ally than an enemy.

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Date of Birth
October some time
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Green
6ft 3"
idk a lot but because of muscle not fat

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Hidden By Fire

I don't understand. I have new friends, brothers & sisters, but just now I remembered I have always had one. Vesk is my greatest friend and my strongest Ally. Well, maybe other than my new ones. I have never seen so many spells cast in my entire life, even the horses do it here! Uz Drakul isn't so far away but I do not always feel like I belong here with the others. At least back home I know where I stand with everybody and they leave me be. Sometimes the way people act in this group confuses me. I think maybe I still do not know them so well.   Marcel might even be Vesk's son! And yet, he doesn't even want to know him, he says that Vesk left him when he was a child but I know that Vesk wouldn't do that. I hope Marcel will forgive him, I think maybe he was just angry at all of the lab stuff you know? I think that would make me angry too. The Council are very cruel. Vesk is really cool and funny though and I think Marcel would like him. I hope he is okay. But I think the hag used some of her magic on Vesk because I know that he would never try to hurt me. Although, I think it has been a little while since we have seen each other.   But I don't really understand what I know anymore. As soon as Vesk appeared it all came back to me but how did I even forget it in the first place? This is just how I am sometimes though. I have been remembering a lot lately and it has been making me feel very strange. My heart has this funny feeling whenever it happens, but not like when you are looking at someone really cool or brave or something like Alice, it feels like it is going to hurt me. Maybe Taryn could use one of her spells and that would make it feel better? Or I could drink some more of those potions.   Sovas said he would try and help me remember some things but I don't know if it will work. It is sometimes like that I know I am forgetting something but when I try to think about what it is I can't really find it. All of my memories are hidden by fire; Especially Mama & Father, it is weird, I have not thought about them in some time. Anyway, Sovas also said maybe he might even teach me magic just like Destroyer Of Worlds! He is very clever.   I am not sure what we are going to do next. Everyone seems very tired and a little bit angry at each other, but this is maybe normal for brothers & sisters I think.


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