The eternal flame Technology / Science in Sacia | World Anvil
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The eternal flame

The flame is the remaining essence of the fallen celestial Arden-sol. The massive amount of essence was bound togeter into a flame so that it could be used as a weapon. The flame is currently in the posession of King Reyner who resides in Stormfall where he guards the flame from the outside world.


magical weapon of mass destruction, Holy relic, can be used as an element, ect

Social Impact

The mere thought of the flame gave the Lareans a new hope after the great crusade.  The crest family became closer to the leading house of Larean to get closer to it.
Access & Availability
The flame is a myth or conspiracy for many but King Reyner and the paladins of Aphims blade are the only ones that are supposed to know of the flames existence. However that is not the case as the Ametar order has spies among the paladins.
very complex no one truly understands it yet.
It was rediscovered by Lareans after the people nearby Exiles path started reporting a strange light coming from the cursed lands.
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